linked-buffer.el v0.3 is now available.

Linked buffers provide an solution for editing in two modes. Two linked
buffers, by default, the two share content but are otherwise independent.
Therefore, you can have two buffers open, each showing the content in
different modes; to switch modes, you simply switch buffers. The content,
location of point, and view are shared.

However, linked-buffers also a bi-directional transformation between the
two. If this is done, then the two can have different but related text. It
is possible to configure the transformation for any two pairs of modes.

Recent changes include:

This release is mainly a bug fix of 0.2, but also includes support for delayed

The configuration system has been totally written using EIEIO objects
which should scale better into the future.

Attachment: linked-buffer.tgz
Description: application/gtar-compressed

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