"Alfred M. Szmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>    >    >    Dear open-source-fellows,
>    >    >
>    >    > Please do not confuse us with this movement, we are part of
>    >    > the Free software movement, and promote freedom.
>    >
>    >    Please do not confuse yourself with every reader of this list.
>    >    Speak for yourself, not for others.  If you absolutely feel
>    >    compelled to speak for others, don't use the all-inclusive
>    >    "we" but specify the group that you feel qualified speaking
>    >    for explicitly.
>    >
>    > This is a GNU list, we are not part of the open source movement.
>    > Using we in this context is perfectly suitable.
>    gnu.misc.discuss   Serious discussion about GNU and freed software.
>    This does not demand that list participants are members of the GNU
>    project and speak for it.  So please don't pretend otherwise.
> Nobody demanded anything.  People reading this list read it because
> it is about GNU and free software, not because it is about open
> source software.

You are, again, presuming to speak for the whole readership of this
list.  Please restrict your statements about people's motivations to

> May I suggest
> http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html for
> further reading.

At the moment a link "alfred-misses-the-point" would seem more
appropriate.  Referring to philosophical treatises is all fine.
Claiming that everybody on this list is supposed to believe in your
personal interpretation of them is not.

Please speak for yourself when declaring opinions and persuasions.  It
is simply distasteful to pretend being able to speak for others.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

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