rjack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Geza Giedke wrote:
> > The case of GPL-violation by Monsoon Multimedia that was discussed
> > here recently has been settled out of court.

> The GPL is D.O.A. under a F.R.Civ.P. Rule 12 Motion to Dismiss in a US 
> federal court. After the plaintiff's filed a voluntary Motion to Dismiss 
> it was inevitable that GPL supporters would trumpet "the GPL won in 
> court". Magnanimous claims without the GPL so much as being read by a 
> judge -- same old, tired FSF FUD story -- just a different day.
> :)

I don't know what "D.O.A." means, but I'm happy if the GPL allows to settle
all problems in a matter of weeks out of court and amicably. Having
seen how unbelievably long lawsuits can be drawn out (even in the
absence of any evidence), a license that is clear enough that it never
needs to be examined by a judge is as good as it gets IMHO.

Anyway, there's no "FUD" involved here, it's a *joint* press release
by both parties involved, simply describing what they decided to do
about perceived GPL violations.


 Geza Giedke

 Max-Planck Institut fuer Quantenoptik, Garching
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