Alexander Terekhov wrote:
due to her "if it turns out Terekhov is behind attacks on the GPL" paranoia.

"Enforcement of the GNU GPL in Germany and Europe, by Till Jaeger Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, April 03 2010 @ 12:07 PM EDT

Terekhov will not be happy about this article.

Pee Jay is the software world's embodiment of the current paranoid
Birther movement which claims President Obama is not a U.S. citizen.

Despite the fact that the Supreme Court held in 1927 that an
intellectual property license is a contract, Pee Jay continues
to claim that a license is not a contract to be interpreted under
state common law:

"The GPL is a License, Not a Contract, Which is Why the Sky Isn't Falling"

Despite the fact that no U.S. federal court in the past 83 years
has held a copyright license to be anything other than a contract, Pee
Jay will remains in her cocoon of denial. Just as the Birthers claim
that the President's Hawaiian birth certificate is fake, her Groksters
will refuse to accept any court decisions of record.

Pee Jay has made voluminous citations to U.S. court decisions when she
has felt the need to support a legal claim. (She's a paralegal) So...
how many court decisions has she quoted to support her facetious claim
that "a license is not a contract"? Zero -- she can't because she is a
paranoid whack job. Arguing with Pee Jay is like talking to a wall. She
makes SCO's scoundrel, Darl McBride, seem almost honest in contrast.

RJack :)

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