On 4/14/2010 2:35 PM, RJack wrote:
". . . provided that you also meet *all* of these
conditions:. . ."

Condition 2(b) adds the qualification "work that you
distribute or publish". The phrasing might be a bit
awkward, but the meaning is clear. Language cleanup
was one of the reasons for GPLv3, of course.

How do you cause the event ". . . the modified files to carry prominent
notices" when it is a precondition to permission to "You may modify your
copies. . ."?

The condition is a limitation on what the altered files
may look like. It is nonsensical to assume that copyright
infringement occurs due to the intermediate steps involved
in producing a permitted alteration. For example, no
publisher's contract with an author explicitly authorizes
the publisher to create intermediate copies for the process
of producing a book, such as printing plates or digital copies.
But an author suing for infringement on those grounds would get
laughed out of court, not least for your favorite "promissory
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