On 2010-03-22 22:48:27 -0400, John Hasler said:

Purchasing a certificate granting the right to label one's product UNIX
does not make it a BSD.

Being a derivative of 4.4 BSD makes it a BSD; Being certified by the Open Group makes it a UNIX. Mac OS X is a BSD UNIX.

The market reality...

...is irrelevant to many of us.

Many may wish it weren't relevant, but it is. The FSF recognized that the GPL was a poor match for the market realities of library use nearly 20 years ago when the FSF created the GNU Library Public License, now the Lesser GPL, for precisely this reason.

...is that many programmers work on projects that are, at least in
part, closed source.  Open source licenses other than the GPL allow
these programmers to use and contribute to open source projects.

The Berkeley license as well as _some_ other Open Source licenses permit
them to keep some of their changes secret.  This is the very reason some
programmers use the GPL.

People and organizations who want to keep code secret are going to do so. It is naive to think that they will change their whole business model just to use a library. Instead, they will use libraries with licenses that allow them to keep some code private while still open sourcing other code thus contributing to the sum total of open source code.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro

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