On 29 Mar, 14:00, Hyman Rosen <hyro...@mail.com> wrote:
> On 3/26/2010 1:29 PM, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
>  >http://weblog.ipcentral.info/archives/2007/03/delusions_of_gr.html
> Wow. A website dedicated to glorifying the denial of freedom to
> software users is whining about GPLv3. Shocking, just shocking.

And one from a site funded by the Progress and Freedom Foundation, yet
another right-wing think tank.  The Progress and Freedom Foundation is
in turn funded by, among others, AT&T, Microsoft, Verizon, etc., etc.

See "When Think Tanks Attack",
http://scienceblogs.com/deltoid/2004/06/tanks.php :

"Why are all these think tanks so down on Open Source? Well, the Small
Business Survival Committee is concerned that using open source will
expose small business to the risk of lawsuits. Citizens Against
Government Waste is concerned that the Government might waste money on
Open Source. Defenders of Property Rights is concerned that Open
Source might be a threat to intellectual property rights. However, I
was able to detect a common theme to all their criticism. They all
seem to be funded by Microsoft."

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