  what="official NYC*BUG announcement"

 Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2012 09:11:32 -0400
 To: annou...@lists.nycbug.org
 From: NYC*BUG Announcements <annou...@lists.nycbug.org>
 Subject: [announce] NYC*BUG this week
 Reply-To: annou...@lists.nycbug.org

 * This week's meeting on SMPng

 * Got arms?  FreeBSD and NetBSD on the BeagleBone

 * Holiday Meeting: Be a Grinch.  Gripes and Rants about Technology


 October 3 @ 18:45 - Location: Suspenders

 How SMPng Works and Why It Doesn't Work The Way You Think, John Baldwin

 Modern x86 CPUs have hit a wall in frequency scaling and are now
 expanding sideways by adding more cores. Adding more cores does not
 magically multiply performance, however. John talks about some of the
 reasons that it doesn't.

 In 2000, FreeBSD launched a project to multithread its kernel to more
 fully take advantage of modern SMP machines. This talk will give an
 overview of that project's history and continuing work on improving

 About the speaker:
 John first started using FreeBSD in 1996 and has been an active kernel
 developer since 2000. He has worked for various companies that use
 FreeBSD including The Weather Channel and Yahoo!. John lives in New
 Jersey with his wife and three kids.


 We are looking at doing an arm architecture hackfest.  Our preferred
 hardware is the BeagleBone, although other hardware is certainly
 welcome.  We're working out details and will have some more information
 in the near future.


 The holidays are usually about giving back, and feeling warm and nice
 with family and friends.  But then there's the Grinch.  We all have it
 in us.  Let it out of you.  Give ten minutes to let others know what you
 "hate" and why.  The cloud?  Some scripting language or another?
 Specific standards, or the lack of?

 More details coming on this, but give it some thought.  There's at least
 some things we all have our gripes about, and you'll have the
 opportunity to voice your opinion, and maybe find a sympathetic audience.
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