On 4/12/2014 12:36 AM, bleak_fire_ wrote:
on the great fire of Fri, 11 Apr 2014 23:20:31 -0400, CuntTJustice leapt
from the flames and sang:

On 4/11/2014 9:06 PM, bleak_fire_ wrote:
on the great fire of Fri, 11 Apr 2014 18:36:39 -0600, §ñühwö£f leapt
from the flames and sang:

It fucking sucks balls. Wheres the start menu? Whys the wifi so
fucking wonky? Sony made a crapfest with their vaio lappys. My sis
bought won and it sucketh. Cant connect to our wifi.


switch to linux if you can

many of your favorite windows programs have linux versions too
(firefox, thunderbird, etc)

there are alternatives for almost everything else you run on windows

you can use wine to run (a very large minority of) windows programs
with no problems, over time linux's alternatives will get better and
better and you won't need to run wine

you will need windows less and less as time goes on

eventually, ultimately, by the end of time, nobody will need windows
for anything

try downloading a livecd/livedvd/liveusb. no installation is required
and you can still access your windows hard disk and files.

This would be meaningful, if it were not for the fact that OP uses
Linux,  which I doubt that his sister would be so inclined to use Linux.

his headers say otherwise... :)

Like he can't be posting from his sister's machine? But still, his sister is not going to be running over to Linux. It's not that important of an issue.
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