* gameonli...@redchan.it <gameonli...@redchan.it> [2019-11-04 12:25]:
> Debian / Devuan installation is very quick and straight-forward, and the
> package vrms (inspired by rms) allows one to check if one has non-free
> packages. You can set up the full disk encryption off the bat there.

In Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre there is package: your-freedom that
conflicts with every non-free package and insecure package.

> (I like Devuan for it's non-systemd options: that way you can strip the
> system down to only the tasks you want it to do and no others, perhaps a
> strict libre version could be made some day (systemd is the reason I don't
> use trisquel, though I like the community etc; I don't wish to use brand-new
> bug-filled system software that's 10 years till maturity etc, and does
> things I don't want it to do))

Could you invite Devuan to apply as fully free system distribution so
that it can ge endorsed by the FSF?

See here:

> On UEiF (or whatever it's called) systems first you have to use windows to
> allow legacy boot, if you don't then you never can (can't do it from the
> bios); to get to that option you have to change windows S to windows-normal,
> which involves registering with microsoft (right now you can use a throw
> away email). (They can remove these options in the future and lock
> you in).

I think that works without using proprietary systems. Using Windows to
install GNU system is not recommended, how do you know what is really
going on there. Reason for using free software is certain trust, which
I cannot attribute to Windows proprietary stuff.

Many various GNU/Linux systems can be installed on UEFI interface
specifications. Look at Debian Wiki here:

I am using Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre which is fully free
distribution. Look https://www.hyperbola.info/ and there is some
instructions for UEFI systems:
https://wiki.hyperbola.info/doku.php?id=en:guide:installation and

Try looking into those links, it is possible to install over UEFI
systems without windows.

> Also all Intel processors contain spyware in the form of a mutilated
> Minix-running baseband type processor which can exfiltrate the
> entire contents of your ram at any time (and thus your crypto
> key). You cannot ever turn it off. (But you know this).

My impression is that those issues could have been eliminated and that
it is not danger if one uses latest kernels. It is possible to disable

> Most Proud Americans absolutely support these spy systems to catch,
> jail, and torture-in-prison male paedophiles who like girls. They
> feel it should be extensively used, and salivate at the idea of
> being the Bubba. When not doing such they program military systems
> to slaughter muslims for similar crimes, if not manning said systems
> themselves.

I understand that outside of US there is a lot of anti-US or
anti-American propaganda, and while myself I do not live in US, I do
not approve of that, as generalizations don't help, generalizations
are meant to provoke and incite more and more hate.

We are in GNU community striving to be kind to each other, especially
that GNU is planetary system, one shall not use this mailing list for
political opinions as such would be dividing people.

Further, I do not feel your statement is true, not at all, it looks as
fabricated thoughtless anti-American propaganda spread in some

> Americans love their Trusted Management Engine. It manages the males and
> keeps the Queens on top: as their species demands.

That is hatred, there is no place for that in the discussion.

The management engine belongs to certain company, I think Intel, and
while Intel is based in USA, to what you refer as "America", that does
not mean that Americans love their trusted management engine. Such
remarks are vague, generalized, not specific, emotional.

In my opinion you have been exposed to hateful propaganda. Please
think about that. I would advise associating with some Americans face
to face , for example make some chocolate cakes together and share
recipes. Or jump into a pool together.


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