On 16/01/20 11:34 pm, Alfred M. Szmidt wrote:
> Just because you are a GNU maintainer, does not mean that you are part
> of any governance structure of the GNU project.  In general, the GNU
> project favors _less_ maintainers, because multiple ones makes it a
> hassle to discuss matters of importance and take decisions -- this can
> specifically be seen in glibc.

I see that as glibc having been able to stand up to the GNU project (and
that's an unfortunate dichotomy) thanks to more actual contributors
being maintainers.

> It is quite unfortunate that some glibc maintainers and contributors
> have created this misunderstanding and continue to cause confusion on
> how GNU projects are maintained by calling GNU maintainers for "FSF
> stewards".  They are GNU maintainers, so one should call them that.

I believe this is because we want a way to recognize regular
contributors who are heavily involved in project maintenance.  We call
them maintainers[1], so I suppose FSF stewards may be the way to
differentiate them from maintainers.  There may be a historical context
that I am not aware about.


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