
Adam Spiers <g...@adamspiers.org> skribis:

> Thanks for the info.  I expect that by far the most common FAQ arising
> when people see this project for the first time is what it offers over
> existing package managers out there, in particular rpm and apt which
> are presumably the most popular by quite some margin.

I thought this sentence on the home page would address it:

  In addition to standard package management features, Guix supports
  transactional upgrades and roll-backs, unprivileged package
  management, per-user profiles, and garbage collection.

But apparently it may not be catchy enough.  ;-)

> To pre-empt this FAQ, I strongly recommend answering this on the home
> page in a TL;DR manner which doesn't require busy people to spend 20
> minutes watching a video.  The first step would be to add a link to
> those slides, but it would be a lot better to include a short section
> of text which summarises the motivation for writing Guix.  You could
> think of this text as the "sales pitch" for getting more hackers
> involved.

Sure.  Actually the web page is just a few hours old (thanks to Jason
Self!).  I would definitely welcome any suggestions and patches to make
it clearer and more attractive.  Would you like to join?  :-)

Of course, the home page of Nix at <http://nixos.org/nix/> presents
these ideas in a structured and detailed manner.


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