On Fri, Mar 03, 2017 at 12:34:39AM +0100, Anonymous wrote:
> Filip Brcic said:
> > There is absolutely no way to make that functionality without
> > javascript, unless you want it to look really ugly,
> If it's the cosmetics of fancy javascript frills vs. being functional,
> then the answer as to which wins that contest in the GFDL:
>   https://static.fsf.org/nosvn/directory/fdl-1.3-standalone.html
> (search for "simple html")
> If that should be overturned, the GFDL should be updated first, as
> opposed to projects violating it.

GNU radio has a nice website, and organization.

I cannot find the documentation license on the documentation pages.

I am in Tanzania, and waiting for cdnjs.cloudflare.com is taking
terribly long time, like minutes, so with the "normal browser" I
cannot even access the website. I am trying to find out why.

If I don't use "normal browser", but use Dillo or Elinks, I can access
the website, with limitation to "javascript" links.

I would like to add a friendly reminder, that when GNU radio is
advertised as "free & open source", it is creating a confusion of what
free software is, it may give to people an idea that it is "free of
charge" in addition of being "open source".

You also have on the front page, quoting:

"Free Software - GNU Radio is Free Software. That means it’s free as
in price, and you are free to use & modify it as you wish."
-- end of quote

May I correct you? It does not mean that it is "free as in price",
there is some serious lack of understanding what free software
means. It is free as in liberty. In fact my Wordnet dictionary over
here shows the first definition of free as "(38) free -- (able to act
at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint; "free
enterprise"; "a free port"; "a free country"; "I have an hour free";
"free will"; "free of racism"; "feel free to stay as long as you
wish"; "a free choice")" and in the third definition "complimentary,
costless, free, gratis, gratuitous -- (costing nothing; "complimentary
tickets"; "free admission")".

The Free Software is free as in the first definition, in regards to
constraints, in regards to liberty of what one may do with the
software. Not in regards to pricing or charges for software. 

While it just happens that is often distributed "free of charge" the
words free do not refer to priceless, or free of charge. There is
nothing wrong in selling free software. The first Deluxe Distribution
of GNU software were sold for nice US $5,000, the compiled binaries on
the CD with all the software.


It is unclear from the website under which license the documentation
has been published, I could not find it. I can see that everything is
copyright to GNU radio foundation, with "all rights
reserved". Somebody may wrongly understand the licensing and think
that "all rights reserved", also apply to documentation.

The website is well organized, only not well functionable, at least
from here in Tanzania, it is "loading" all the time.

I hope to get the required dongle to try it out.

Jean Louis

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