Mr. Jean Louis
Nagpur, India
Day 3 of week 41 of 2019

This is PROPOSAL TO REMOVE THE OFF-TOPIC and hatred biased generalized
statements from GUIX distribution pages on the domain GNU.ORG where
they are publishing defamatory harassment over RMS:

As those statements are factless, there is nothing that RMS ever said
to oppose free software, and there are numerous facts of his good
deeds for free software, for haven's sake he is the founder of the
GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation, such wishy-washy
statements have no place on GNU.ORG domain.

Thus I am proposing to FSF, and any reader of this message to kindly
ask those people to either provide facts, or to retract their
statements from Guix and GNU pages.

I am asking FSF to enforce the policies of GNU Kind Communication
Guidelines where by it says: "The only political positions that the
GNU Project endorses are (1) that users should have control of their
own computing (for instance, through free software) and (2) supporting
basic human rights in computing."

Those undersigners on the defamatory statement as published by Ludovic
Courtès are not representing the community neither they have such
authorizations. Statement is written by some amateur, that is not
public relation, that is hatred. That is harassment and defamation.

Additionally it is criminal act in France.

I do not endorse separation in the movement, but that is obviously
happening for reason of rumours and those undersigners not being able
to distinguish between personal matters such as whatever personal
viewpoints of RMS has outside of the FSF/GNU space, and the FSF/GNU

But if that is happening for reasons that some of those people lack
the sense of differentiation, then let it be.

But not on GNU pages! GNU project shall not have space for that. I do
not mind if such discussion is happening on the mailing list, as then
other people are able to answer and comment.

But I do mind if it is happening on GUIX free system distribution
which was hosted by kind deeds of RMS and other
contributors. Defamation of RMS is taking place on RMS's domain

I am sorry, this makes no sense to me, and never will.

It is like if one wish to kick his own mother in the stomach.

I do not like hypocrisy.

Let us clean GNU.ORG pages from personal opinions on RMS

They do not even communicate with each other. There is no friendship
or sense of community on such statement.

GNU project was created to get a friendly community of hackers, please
see GNU manifesto, and not to endorse separations.

What Ludovic Courtès is doing is exactly that, he is producing hatred,
separation, making division in the friendly GNU free software

Let me repeat, I do not mind what he is saying against RMS, but I do
mind that GNU.ORG is platform for his personal opinions.

Further his statement was never "collective" how it is called, it was
his statement and he asked other people to "sign".

My opinion on your signing of that defamatory, harassing, biased and
fact-less statement is here:

I am entitling you to your opinion. I could not care less what people
write about each other, whatever rumours or facts would be. I don't

But I do not approve on publishing that on GUIX website or GNU.ORG
website. Neither I approve of publishing such statements without
commenting possibility.

That is why I am asking you to speak out your mind now. I will publish
your opinion or lack of opinion. I will publish facts you provide me
or lack of those facts.

So far there is no fact that support their statements.

Free speech is human right, and RMS has free speech rights, and why he
shall be embarassed, defamed, harassed on his own domain?

Please FSF and whoever is responsible and acting, join in the quest to
remove the off-topic politics from GNU.ORG website pages, so that we
stick to promotion of free software, just as quoted from here:

"The only political positions that the GNU Project endorses are (1)
that users should have control of their own computing (for instance,
through free software) and (2) supporting basic human rights in

Let those few people NOT represent GNU project, as GNU project never
harassed anybody in this manner, and let us not allow selected few of
them to destroy those good feelings of community.


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