Hi all,

1. OSX already has GnuCash via X11 and Fink (there could be licence problems with a native Cocoa port and it is not being considered).

2. KDE can run GnuCash if the Gnome libraries are installed. KDE also has it's own alternatives to GnuCash.

Just a thought.

3. The web page idea is FAR more difficult than you may imagine and NONE of the work above even comes close to a HTML/PHP/Perl front end. I've done work on QSF (XML) which *could* be used to render GnuCash (and other QOF) data as HTML for purposes of data mining and customised reports but that's definitely as far as it goes.

Hmm, I was hoping it would be possible to use Gnucash via the desktop for one user and via a webpage for another user simultaneously--maybe that is a longer way off than
I thought.

2. Mozilla designed for plugins from the very earliest stages, it's not easy to build a system into an existing program.


3. Plugins can only go so far and still won't meet everyone's needs. IMHO, it is better to provide easier, more robust access to the data itself and let users handle it in Perl or PHP, Python or whatever. QSF is a flavour of XML that has a Schema and is intended to provide this simple and flexible data access.


Well, the site explains the theory pretty well. However, I am throwing out ideas for consideration to make Gnucash "tasty" to an enduser/small business owner who isn't a Linux guy--e.g., avoids the command-line and doesn't want to code.

What functionality do you want in your module?

Well, for one it would be really awesome if the invoice template was similar to iBiz, http://www.iggsoftware.com/ibiz/index.html . My wife uses iBiz. I don't like a lot of it--(it is to click-happy for me), however the invoice template creator is pretty good. It uses a "web template" like method of specifying where everything goes for an invoice template. Highly flexible, but using a GUI and a template creator.

It seems very daunting and time consuming.

There's no escaping that one. Developing in gnucash could quite easily consume 150% of your available time. The discipline to control that must come from you, as must the motivation to persist.

Most any project is similar that way, isn't it?

So I guess it depends on your motivation, your perspective and your "itch".
 We each need our own "itch" for motivation.

Are you happier in GUI development or CLI or both?

Web dev and backend stuff is where I am most comfortable.

What's your itch?

Well, I am not sure other than above on invoices and what others have mentioned in
this thread.

My primary purpose is speaking up is because I want to help enable more productivity and more small business users and hence a better, stronger Gnucash.

Derek mentioned that there were enough web programmers. Is there a need for people to port documentation from the dev list and doxygen to the web to help enable new programmers with Gnucash to be productive more quickly?


Contagious Design!
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Brian Rose .  web programmer
(604)-630-2426 . brianATcontagiousdesignDOTnet

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