Hi John,

On 8/9/07, John Z. Bohach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 09 August 2007 12:23:54 pm Derek Atkins wrote:
> > Um, gnucash has ALWAYS supported this.  It will pay the invoices
> > in FIFO order.  If you select an invoice in the process payment
> > dialog (you dont have to! it's completely optional) then it puts
> > that invoice at the front of the FIFO, but any overpayment will
> > then spill over to the next one in the list.  Gnucash has ALWAYS
> > supported this.
> >
> > -derek
> >
> Sorry then, my misunderstanding...I wasn't quite able to glean that from
> the documentation or the mail-list archives...this will be very useful.

Hmm, were you eventually able to find the relevant documentation? I'm
thinking that if you looked around and weren't able to find it, maybe we
have not placed the documentation where people are expecting it. May I ask
where you looked first (or tried to look) so that we have an idea where the
documentation was confusing?


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