tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I see the warning he pointed me to, but the copy 
> <http://code.neil.williamsleesmill.me.uk/texi/gnucash-design.html> 
> linked from the doxygen start page <http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/> 
> (under heading "Documentation elsewhere in the source tree") is too old 
> to carry this warning which is why I missed it. Perhaps it is worth 
> updating this copy, or pointing the link somewhere else (I could host a 
> copy if needed).

We should probably generate this HTMLized version of the texinfo docs, and
put it on svn.gnucash.org, then update the link.

http://asynchronous.org/ - a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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