"Greg Balls" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Once I started poking around the gnucash code, though, I noticed that
> there's already a start at this functionality coded up in
> price-quotes.scm, but I'm not really sure what state it's in.  (I'm
> not the most fluent in scheme/guile/whatever it is.)
> So, is anyone actively working on this?  Is there an objection to
> using the Finance::QuoteHist module?  Any other suggestions?

The code in question is from Spring 2001; it was last touched in revision
r3988, on 2001-04-17 <http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/3988>.

The string "historical-quotes" is not referenced in any other file.

I'd start from scratch, using Finance::QuoteHist.

http://asynchronous.org/ - a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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