On Jun 15, 2009, at 3:51 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:

Quoting John Ralls <jra...@ceridwen.us>:


No worries about not being a mac user/dev/admin. This is plain-old- unix stuff.

Yes, an installable dmg is my goal, too. There's a bit of work still to get there. It's not necessary for getting a daily build going for testing purposes, though.

I suppose... The question, however, is how to distribute the daily builds
if there isn't .dmg?  I suppose I could tar up the GnuCash.app tree?

I don't think that there's all that much "build by hand", especially compared to the way it used to be. jhbuild/gtk-osx- build has been seriously wonderful in that regard. There's a bit of setup that you have to do once. After that, there are three commands to build gnucash the first time and one command (jhbuild buildone gnucash-svn) to run nightly.

One thing I think we want is the ability to specify the set of dependencies
on a per-tag, per-branch basis.  For example, the 2.2 dependencies are
different than the 2.4 dependencies, which I'm sure will be different than the 2.6 dependencies. So the build system needs to be able to support this.

Does jhbuild support this? Can I support multiple sets of dependencies? Another thing to think about is that we should be using released versions of dependencies. Again, I haven't really looked at the current process to see if you pull down tarballs or pull from svn for the dependencies,
or if it's possible to specify specific versions.

Note that for any particular release branch we want a stable set of
dependencies, but for trunk it could be a moving target until we make
a release.. The win32 build tries to take this into account. One thing
that we don't do (but would be nice if we did) is to 'package' the
built dependencies ourselves so we can just pull down our own prebuilds
instead of building from source every time...

What's your target release date for 2.4?

According to http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Release_Schedule 2.4.0 would
be August 3rd.

What's your preference for getting the patches? Bugzilla, posted here, or something else?

Umm... Here.  Bugzilla.. Both?




The patches turned out to be a bit long to post to the list, so I've created a single ticket, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=587843 , and hung the lot of them against it.

It's pretty easy to specify different dependencies for different tags/ branches/tarballs: You create a module for each (trivially easy, a module is just a few XML elements) and give each one a different name (which you have to anyway). If the dependencies changes need to be deep (IOW, GnuCash 2.0 won't work with, say, gtk+ after version 2.14, or it can use the current libbonobo but only if it's built with some older version of libIDL, it will get to be a bit more complicated.

GTK-OSX has at present 3 modulesets, a stable one which builds everything from recent distribution tarballs (which is the default), a more-or-less stable one which builds from VCS, but which uses release branches where available or tags (or in some cases revision ids) for (or close to) a release, and an unstable one which builds everything from the master/trunk of the current vcs. I suspect you'd have to be a bit nuts to want to use that last one, but you never know.

We're really close to being able to have a drag-and-drop .dmg. I just need to patch and test dbus and we should be there.

John Ralls

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