Am Wed, 03 Feb 2010 09:13:52 +0100 schrieb Christian Stimming:

> Zitat von Mick Sawyer <>:
>> Hi,
>> I've just moved over to Gnucash and I'm trying to display the split  
>> accounts in the transfer column of the transaction report. All I can  
>> get is transfer to "split". Any ideas?
> Incidentally, this has been discussed in bugzilla before. It's caused  
> by some combination of option settings and you can switch to your  
> expected behaviour by setting the options differently:

Well I can't switch to the expected behaviour in Gnucash 2.2.9 too

E.g. I have in Konten:Bar a transaction with a split (translated)

Konten:Bar 20   Expenses:Food  10
                Expenses:Other 10

In the transaction report (Buchungsbericht) I get in all three
involved accounts the word "Vollständig" in the "Umbuchen von/nach"
column. I checked really everything. 

I also tried the "multiline option". 
This gives e.g. in the Konten:Bar section three lines for the
transaction which still all have "Vollständig" in the "Umbuchen
von/nach" column.

I do understand that I don't see in single line modus a destination
for 20 in the Konten:Bar part of the report as it has two
destinations. But why can't I get (or how can I get) 

Januar 2010
05.01.2010 Grocery   Konten:Bar 10


05.01.2010 Grocery  Expenses:Food  10
                    Expenses:Other 10

Ulrike Fischer 

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