On Mar 27, 2013, at 5:34 PM, John Ralls <jra...@ceridwen.us> wrote:

> On Mar 27, 2013, at 1:07 PM, Christian Stimming <christ...@cstimming.de> 
> wrote:
>> Am Mittwoch, 27. März 2013, 18:45:41 schrieb Geert Janssens:
>>> Two come to mind:
>>> 2.4.12
>>> The previous release dates back to July 2012. Not that much has been going
>>> on on stable, but there are a number of bugfixes waiting to be released. I
>>> have read several suggestions from users that we're waiting too long to
>>> release them. I'd agree it's time to put out what we have.
>> +1 from me on this. Let's do a 2.4.12 ASAP.
>>> 2.5.0
>>> This was discussed before. The only remaining major items are
>>> gconf->gsettings and the register rewrite. I think I'll need too much time
>>> to finish gsettings to delay 2.5.0 for it. I intend to get it ready for
>>> 2.5.1 or 2.5.2. The register rewrite isn't done, but can already be used
>>> for testing and feedback purposes. So I would ask for a release somewhere
>>> in april.
>>> Thoughts ?
>> +1 on that one, too. Let's get trunk get some wider audience.
> I agree on both as well. I'll do a make distcheck on both trunk and 2.4 
> tomorrow and report if there are any issues. If it looks good, we can release 
> at the weekend.

I finally got both environments set up properly and got to make distcheck -- 
and both failed. The first round of problems is that trunk has some files that 
are in POTFILES.skip but are also distributed (that's after fixing an oversight 
when I added the scheme files to POTfILES.skip). 2.4 fails configure 
(configure: error: Cannot find Glib Gettext.  Maybe you need to install the 
gettext package?) when in built from the tarball-created dist directory.

It's way past bedtime now, so I'll have at it tomorrow.

John Ralls

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