G’day all,

I’m a bit of a noob, so please bear with me. I’m trying to compile gnucash 
directly from the git sources. Since I work on Gentoo, I’ve been having all 
sorts of fun with overlays and ebuilds... but that’s another story. 

When it begins the compile phase, I get an error:
make[2]: *** No rule to make target ‘COPYING', needed by ‘all-am’. Stop

Looking through the make file generated by automake and configure, I’m guessing 
that this error relates to the following command:
dist_doc_DATA = \
   ChangeLog \

The variable “dist_doc_DATA” has a number of values in it, and as far as i can 
see “COPYING” is the only one that isn’t a file present. I also can’t find this 
as a file anywhere within the git sources.

Where should I go from here? Does this sound like a Gnucash bug I should raise, 
or is it likely I am missing something simple?

Thanks and regards,

Matt Graham /|\

P.s. If it helps, my ebuild is on my public gentoo repository, cloneable from 
I’m using version 2.6.8 – ignore the other ones, haven’t fixed lots of issues 
with them yet. Just realised that I should have changed to 2.6.9.... that can 
be next I guess!
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