
Am 08.02.2017 um 10:06 schrieb Geert Janssens:
> Frank,
> It looks like a second change slipped in your commit to include the Glossary 
> in the Italian translation.

That was " Bug 777891 - Guide Glossary lacks proper ID tag or mention in
Basics …" which was commited to C after your "Update Italian guide
translation following the merge of business chap…"

> This was apparently missing from my most recent commit. I wonder however 
> whether this should have been automatically added by running make in the 
> Italian translation's build directory ? Or was there something else I should 
> have done to get that ?
> Geert

on Aug 10, 2016 I reverted the italian update from the last commit
because we had decided "better obsolete and coherent than partly in
English". But jralls committed on 14 Sep 2016 "Automate regeneration of
the Italian xml files."

Starting from this date, if you had run make in a higher directory and
did not unselect guide/it/gnucash-guide.xml it got updated - resulting
in a mixture of italian and english sections.

I don't know if I missed some discussion there and if that behavior was

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