> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Geert Janssens <geert.gnuc...@kobaltwit.be>
> To: gnucash-devel <gnucash-devel@gnucash.org>
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2017 12:44:52 +0200
> Subject: Re: Source directory restructuring
> On maandag 14 augustus 2017 02:59:58 CEST Alex Aycinena wrote:
> > I did a test by test comparison using Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log also
> > and I find there are three tests in autotools that are missing in cmake:
> >
> >  - src/engine/test/test-import-map
> >  - src/engine/test/test-engine
> >  - src/app-utils/test/test-app-utils
> >
> > I couldn't map test # 77,
> > src/import-export/test/test-import-pending-matches, to any in autotools.
> >
> > Alex
> Hi Alex,
> I have added test-import-map and test-app-utils. On my system test-engine
> is
> running. Perhaps I fixed that already while restructuring the sources. I
> don't
> remember.
> And test-import-pending matches is run via autotools on my system. It was
> not
> listed in the colored test output but it was run right after that. I have
> tweaked the Makefile slightly so it now is part of the colored output and
> hence more visible.
> Can you verify this on your system as well ?
> Geert


I can verify that with cmake/ninja, the three tests are there. There was a
test failure, however, in 21 - test-backend-dbi:

21/103 Testing: test-backend-dbi
21/103 Test: test-backend-dbi
"test-backend-dbi" start time: Aug 17 14:16 PDT
/backend/dbi/adjust sql options string localtime: OK
/backend/dbi/sqlite3/store_and_reload: test-backend-dbi:
/usr/include/boost/variant/detail/forced_return.hpp:39: T
boost::detail::variant::forced_return() [with T = const std::type_info&]:
Assertion `false' failed.
<end of output>
Test time =   0.73 sec
Test Failed.
"test-backend-dbi" end time: Aug 17 14:16 PDT
"test-backend-dbi" time elapsed: 00:00:00

I can also verify, from an earlier build, that test-import-pending-matches
is run on my system with autotools. It didn't run after the latest git pull
because of the test-backend-dbi failure in autotools as well.

That's a nice feature of the cmake route: if there is a failure in a test
subsequent tests are run whereas in autotools make check stops and if there
are other test failures you won't see them.


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