I have seen that proportional scrollbar jumping behavior in some other
Linux applications, and I too dislike it.  In very long lists like our
registers become after a while, it is not easy to scroll several screens up
or down frequently.  I think that it is a GTK thing.  If there is a
work-around, I would like to know about it.

David C

On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 7:36 PM, Chris Good <goodchri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [GNC-dev] Register text selection
> Geert Janssens
> <mailto:gnucash-devel%40gnucash.org?Subject=Re:%
> 20Re%3A%20%5BGNC-dev%5D%20Re
> gister%20text%20selection&In-Reply-To=%3C1925551.
> T7MvD3KevP%40legolas.kobalt
> wit.lan%3E> geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
> Mon May 21 09:14:29 EDT 2018
>   _____
> Op maandag 21 mei 2018 13:08:05 CEST schreef Robert Fewell:
> > I have been looking at getting the middle mouse button to work for
> pasting
> > selected text and whilst trying to do that started to wonder about the
> > existing preselected text.
> >
> > Currently...
> > If you open a register, the blank transaction date text is preselected.
> > If you start Gnucash with saved open registers, the last register in the
> > list to load has the blank date text preselected, this may not be the
> > current open register.
> >
> > If you navigate by keyboard, the next field text is preselected and the
> > cursor set to the end of text.
> > If you navigate by mouse, the text is not selected and the cursor is the
> > mouse position.
> > If you update a transaction in one register and have the other
> > corresponding register open, the text where the cursor is will get
> > selected. (I think this is an easy fix).
> >
> > I am just wondering if we should be doing this preselected text at all ?
> >
> As far as I can tell the first two (text navigation hightlights the full
> text,
> mouse navigation sets the text cursor) are at least common behavior, if
> not
> default. Find any dialog with more than one text field and try what happens
> if
> you tab from one field to the next or click in random fields. I would find
> it
> disturbing if the register would behave differently.
> I don't understand exactly what you mean with the third behavior.
> > Some might say it is a good indication of where the focus is, only with
> > keyboard navigation, but one could simply add something like this to your
> > css file which would also work for mouse navigation...
> >
> > cursor entry {
> >   background-color: pink;
> > }
> >
> > So just asking the question.
> It's not just a matter of visual indication. It's also about ergonomics.
> Text
> and mouse navigation have different dynamics and this is reflected in the
> way
> text is selected or not when entering a text field.
> For your information I plan to work in this area of the code soon to fix
> input
> methods. I intend to drop all code related to text manipulation from the
> sheet
> and make the gtk entry responsible for it instead. Perhaps it's best you
> hold
> off other changes related to text entry until that's done to avoid doing
> double work.
> Geert
> I agree with Geert, the way it is, works well with how I work, and is usual
> UI.
> The fact that the current field is highlighted when you go back to the
> register makes it easier to find where you are.
> This email reminded me of another issue I wish to discuss.
> The scroll bars on all the windows seem to have changed in 3.0+.
> If you now click above (or below) the current position bar in the
> scrollbar,
> it takes you to the place in the
> window which is proportional to where in the scroll bar you click, rather
> than up (or down) 1 screen full.
> This is not typical MS Windows UI and surprises me because it is not what I
> expect. Suddenly I am far from
> where I was instead of just being 1 page away, and it can be laborious to
> get back to where I want to be.
> I know I can use PgUp/PgDn instead and once I get used to it, the new
> method
> does offer extra
> functionality, but I'm not sure if there is a real need to be able to go
> say
> approx. 1/3 of the way through all
> the entries in the window.
> Also, usually in Windows, the height of the scroll bar indicates how much
> the current screen is, as a
> proportion of all entries.
> What do other think?
> Maybe this is an option I can set in css?
> Regards, Chris Good
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