On 12/07/2018 01:14, John Ralls wrote:

I wrote a lengthy reply and then pressed the wrong key

Nothing you said suggests anything other than that Portable Apps is just 
another distro. The purposes of the distribution and the version tracking are 

They make a big shake of asking permission, usually. Maybe you didn't give your permission.

You’re correct that %APPDATA%\Roaming isn’t for sneaker net. It’s for the 
user’s presence on different machines in a workgroup or Windows Domain.

There is a lot more to it than that, I am surprised you are so unaware.

Apparently what is illogical to you is perfectly reasonable to just about everyone else on the planet.

Nope, unless you are JohnR <-- I'd prefer not to fight BTW

The settings that go into %APPDATA% are that user’s customizations and history.

Yes, notice "that users's" not "that orgs"

NOTICE: you are putting an invoice,
a formal document that in some cases has to have some exact words in it, the boilerplate on it in the same place as "oh, I had a thought, maybe I'll save it, maybe I won't, maybe I'll change it? yeah, I'll change it, won't matter, they'll use the real version"

Every other OS also has standard locations for configurations and preferences and we try to keep GnuCash compliant with the standards on each OS.


The fact is that gnc has broken the standards about where personal and general .rc stuff goes :(

you seem to have made everything very personal

if that is the gnc model


Since those standards have been around for a very long time indeed (almost 50 years in the case of Unix and its derivatives) it seems extremely unlikely to me that Portable Apps don’t have their own convention...

this is no longer about them

but as I said, since they have never to my knowledge communicated with us I have no idea what it might be and there’s no way that we can accommodate them. Of course if they’re modifying any part of GnuCash--including the build system--then they’re obliged to provide their users (not us) with the source code for their modifications.

The bottom line here is that this isn’t the GnuCash project’s problem and we 
have no way to coerce the Portable Apps folks to fix it for you.

I agree, this is now about where someone thought they should place stuff in accordance with .rc standards they didn't fully conceive for all.

Oh, and the wiki article you want is 

I read that more than once.

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