On 12/14/2018 10:26 AM, David Cousens wrote:

Will give it a go. Hamid is possibly right in that it will be too complex to
deal with the various possibilities but I will see if I can illustrate a few
simple cases.

It is definitely too complex. There are simply far too many variants possible. And many of them would not be properly entered as loans << except perhaps that "iron sheep" contract (illegal* in Jewish law referring to no interest "loans" >> I mentioned which DOES have a definite minimum amount that must be repaid >>

What I would suggest is that before any attempt is made to code or even describe how in documentation is that a discussion be opened in the user group where people can describe variants. While I am against us "amateurs" giving accounting advice, this is a situation where standard accountant training might not be useful and the average accountant likely to respond "I never heard about an arrangement like that". Once we have classified variants, we would be in a better position deciding how to proceed.

Michael D Novack

* In effect partnership agreements where upon dissolution, capital returned based on percentage contributed, both partners share in profits (per what is agreed) but one bears all the risk of loss. In other words, a "loan" where instead of interest, the lender receives a share of profits (but bears no risk if a loss).
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