On 11/02/2019 04:03, David Carlson wrote:
Wm,  before you run off at the mouth with all your innuendos, look at facts.

I'm hoping you get a message from Liz

If you don't there is something rotten in this list's administration.

Did you try running a test on one of your backups from around June 2016
using Gnucash 2.6.12 or earlier?

No. Why? Because I own a transaction stream. Watermelon. My transaction stream is the same regardless of how it is interpreted. Golf ball.

I think that if you do you will find that
the Trial Balance Report is correct if you scrupulously check the settings
to use the Average Price valuation method and check your price database to
be sure that the transaction generated prices are present.

you may be a person of high IQ in your local community. you don't understand a trial balance.

  John Ralls
alluded to that earlier today.

JohnR isn't saying the same thing to me and you, Trump voter.

In fact, I bet

yay, how much are you prepared to bet, you piece of shit?

My estimate is that you will bet fuck all because you are wrong. You are just a noisy person.

> you could try re-running the Trial Balance Report in release
3.4 on a current data file using the Average Balance method of valuation.

There is no point, the valuation approach is wrong.

There was a period when GnuCash was not entering transaction generated
prices into the price database as Alex noted, but that was corrected some
time ago and recent prices from recent transactions are all entered in the
price database.

The price db has FUCK ALL to do with the TB

 Granted, it will be difficult to find many of  those old
missing transaction generated prices that involve the base currency but
maybe they might get added back by using the trading accounts feature.  I
have not tried that, but it might be worth a try.

You don't appear to have a clue what the issue is.

  As Alex suggested,
transactions that do not involve the base currency would need to be dealt
with some other way.

David Carlson

Do *not* invoke other people without their permission in future, David Carlson

I *know* I get Liz angry but you have broken all the rules regarding good manners by being an actual liar. That is not easily forgiven.


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