Thanks, I missed the specific installation page and just tried to install from the generic dependency page, trying to guess the actual package names. I had missed a few, but it looks like that was not the issue though.

Turns out that I had to switch from the nouveau graphics driver to the proprietary driver, and now it works. So while the updated dependencies might be required for other things, they were not actually my issue, but it seems a broken graphics driver. Which is not broken with the stock gnucash 2.6 that comes with Mint 19.1 Mate.

Something I probably should have seen sooner given that a complete system freeze normally points to something in kernel space


On 27/02/2019 00.38, David Cousens wrote:

The reports use Scheme which is implemented in the Guile libraries so they
are a likely candidate.

The dependencies for V3 are listed which is a breakout from the
general instructions for building at
and the Linux instructions at
Installation of the dependencies is described These instructions
were originally formulated on Linux Mint 18.3/Ubuntu 16.04 with v 2.6 but
have been updated for V3 and also for Linux Mint 19.1/Ubuntu 18.04 but have
also been used for Ubuntu 18.10 as well.

Check the Guile library version you have installed. The Cmake command should
be checking this and stopping if the required library versions are not

David Cousens

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