And the wrong bug report again again. I think the original was possibly
closed before moving from the original version. My only excuse
is I was getting over a trip to Singapore and an overnight flight back

For some reason the changes in the commits
don't seem to have made it into v 3.3 on or if they did they didn't have the
correct files. Due to my inexperience with git and github at the time you
had to fix up a pull request from my github repository so that may have
caused the problem. 

To get the multiple selection to work for myself,  I have been patching 3.2,
3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 after downloading the sources before building. The version
of import-main-matcher.c and which were in 3.2, 3.3,3.4
and 3.5 didn't contain the changes (file size of import-main-matcher.c in
the gnucash-3.<x>.tar.bz2 in each case was 37.2kB for 3.5, 37.2kB for 3.4,
35.2kB for 3.3, 35.2kB for 3.2 for example, and my modified version of that
file wass 43.8kB. I had the original source archives I downloaded for each
version and have just freshly unpacked them to check that the code changes
are not in the files.) I rebuilt 3.5 today with the modified files after
adding in another patch to replace gtk_menu_popup with
gtk_menu_popup_at_pointer to eliminate a warning coming up about deprecation
of gtk_menu_popup and it is all working OK.

I am inclined to clear out my github repository and my local repository copy
on my computer and refork from GnuCash/gnucash to remove any consequences of
my previous inexperience using git and github. I have and will retain
separate copies of the altered files of course. If I then create a new
feature branch off the maint branch and copy the altered files into that,
push it to my repository and then create a new pull request, you should then
get the right files which should fix things for the next release. If anyone
wants to  incorporate it before then I can send them copies of the patched


David Cousens
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