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Am 11.08.19 um 20:43 schrieb Christian Stimming:
> Am Samstag, 10. August 2019, 20:32:00 CEST schrieb John Ralls:
>>> the German online banking users have received notice from their banks that
>>> due to EU regulations, from mid-September onwards (Sept 14th) the banking
>>> client software has to use a registered product key, otherwise the bank
>>> server connection will be refused.
>>> (In German: )
>>> For gnucash, I have registered and received such a product key, and in the
>>> communication to me there haven't been any restrictions that would pose
>>> problems for open source software. Hence, as long as gnucash will stick to
>>> this procedure and send the product key, the users (and we) should be
>>> fine.
>> Apparently the bank servers were supposed to have switched over last week,
>> see The 14 September
>> deadline seems to have something to do with using FinTS bank interfaces via
>> third party services, see
>> under "PSD2 Client Registration". I suppose some users may have configured
>> GnuCash to do that and now will have to reconfigure to talk to their banks
>> instead. There's nothing we can do about that.
> The information on the  website about the dates is (no pun intended)
> outdated and the information is also unchanged for many months there. The date
> of Sept. 14th is what various users received as notification from their banks
> quite recently, that's where this date is from.
>> Regardless, we can do a snap release as soon as we can get the registration
>> number issue sorted and I can make time to do the release.
> The windows nightly has built last night. On gnucash-de I asked windows-users
> to start testing it. Let's see whether this is indeed sufficiently
> implemented. Once some positive feedback has arrived, a 3.7 release sometime
> in August would indeed be great - as it fits best for you.
>> I am a bit concerned about the registration number being published. What's
>> to prevent a bad actor from taking it and using it in a different,
>> malicious, application? What might be the consequences? Would DK revoke
>> GnuCash's registration? I think it more likely that the folks at DK didn't
>> even consider the possibility that there might be an open source financial
>> application than that it doesn't matter to them.
> I totally understand these concerns, and it holds for any open source project
> here, not only ours. Such as: KMyMoney, Hibiscus, aqbanking, but there are
> surely more. As it turns out, we've discussed those very same points on
> gnucash-de several months ago (in German) because the various people there
> came up with the same questions. Some people have asked at the ZKA for a
> statement regarding their view on open source software. Eventually we got a
> reply which is in our favor: This registration number has no legal obligations
> behind it. It is merely a tool for guiding the user support into better suited
> answers.  There's no security level introduced by this here, and it is known
> to the ZKA that open source software will have this number observable in the
> public source code. Yes, this in turn questions the whole point of this
> fuzz... on the other hand, if the bank server will otherwise refuse the whole
> online connection in the first place, we also have to do something about it.
> Regards,
> Christian
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