
I needed to setup my build installation again as I corrupted my existing
one and these were my observations.
Using the current setup-ming64.ps1, but I did notice the webkit version was
at 999.4 but on sourceforge there was 999.5 so I changed to using that
version which rebuilt my c:\gcdev64 directory OK.
I think on a previous build I had trouble getting the HTML workshop but as
that was still installed that was OK, wonder if a copy should be on
I added this to gnucash.modules...

  <metamodule id="meta-gnucash-dependencies">
      <dep package="libofx"/>
      <dep package="aqbanking"/>
      <dep package="libdbi-drivers"/>
      <!--dep package="shared-mime-info"/-->
      <!--dep package="iso-codes"/-->
      <dep package="guile2"/>
      <!--dep package="swig"/-->
      <dep package="boost"/>
      <dep package="googletest"/>

So I could just build the dependencies and then make copies of the 'build'
and 'inst' directories so I can use the copies to replace the working
directories when it all goes wrong.
It takes a while to build them on my old Windows10 machine.

Jhbuild stopped after building the first package, this was traced to the
The jhbuild manifest files were all empty, to populate them I needed to
move line 325 in modtypes\__init__.py to above line 322.

If you do not want to populate them, then the following is required...
Change utils\packagedb.py line 75 to...
if (self.manifest):
to make the writer.fp.write line conditional.

Maybe add both changes to the jhbuild.patch file.

The only other change that I needed to do was for
Build failed with undefined MAX_PATH on line 533 so I added this after the
# ifdef OS_WIN32
#ifndef MAX_PATH
# define MAX_PATH 200

These changes allowed a successful build of the dependencies and after
making copies of the 'build' and 'inst' I was able to build gnucash-git and
gnucash-docs OK.
Created a package and did an install and I think everything is working OK.

Comparing my gnucash\bin directory to the one created from the build
server, I have two files missing...
Maybe down to the build server creating a release and mine is from
gnucash-git maint branch.

The other thing I noticed was the default gtk-3.0.css file is missing, I
added the following to gnucash-ming64.iss
Source: "@INST_DIR@\share\doc\@PACKAGE@\gtk-3.0.css"; DestDir:
"{app}\doc\@PACKAGE@"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: main

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