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On 14 June 2017 at 17:00, George Riner <> wrote:
> Just for comparison...
> My gnucash file is 4.7 Mb (compressed XML) on a local drive, and from
> app-launch to ready-to-enter is 55 seconds. Approx the first 10 seconds of
> this are the app loading up.
> I tried setting up a MySQL db on my NAS - wired ethernet (not wifi) and it
> took minutes to load the data over the wire (again: not wifi) from the
> MySQL.

Currently SQL is likely to be slower to open than xml, as the s/w
reads the complete database into memory.

> Does 'full database functionality' mean a db on a local drive?

The database can be remote or local (as it can now). When it has full
functionality it will not read the complete db in at the start but
will read the data it needs when it needs it, as is normal for any db
based app.

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