GnuCash 2.7.0 released

The Gnucash Development Team is pleased to release Gnucash 2.7.0, the first 
release of an unstable series leading to Gnucash 2.8.0.

This release is UNSTABLE and SHOULD NOT BE USED in production.

See the KNOWN PROBLEMS list at the bottom of the announcement.

Note: Version information in the splash screen and About dialog will now 
reflect the date of the last commit used to build GnuCash rather than the date 
it was compiled. This is to assist quality assurance and debugging efforts by 
Linux distribution maintainers.

For Users

        • The headline item for this release is that GnuCash now uses the 
Gtk+-3.0 Toolkit and the WebKit2Gtk API. This change was forced on us by some 
major Linux distributions dropping support for the WebKit1 API. Unfortunately 
the Webkit project doesn't support Microsoft Windows with the newer API so that 
platform will continue to use the WebKit1 API, though with Gtk3. We've selected 
Gtk+-3.14.0 as the minimum version because it fully supports CSS theming. 
(Geert Janssens, Robert Fewell, and John Ralls)
        • There's a new CSV importer largely rewritten in C++, adding new 
features including the ability to re-import CSV files exported from GnuCash. 
(Geert Janssens)
        • Data file directories are now located appropriately to the operating 
system's conventions by default. It's still possible to overried with the 
environment variable GNC_DOC_PATH, which replaces GNC_DOT_DIR in earlier 
versions of GnuCash. (Geert Janssens)
        • Accounts in the Bayes import map are now linked by GUID instead of 
names so that the matcher won't have to be retrained if you rename an account. 
This will make your file unreadable by previous versions of gnucash. There's a 
new editor to remove outdated or incorrect match data from the import maps, a 
new user interfacs for managing files associated with transactions, an improved 
facility for removing old prices from the price database, and a way to remove 
deleted files from the history list in the file menu. (All from Robert Fewell!)
        • Numerics are rewritten to allow for more significant digits. The old 
6-digit-maximum fraction will be a 9-digit maximum by 2.8. there is still some 
cleanup required before the limit can actually change. (John Ralls)
        • New Income GST Report and some improvements to the Transaction 
report. (Christopher Lam)
        • Chart Reports appearance is improved (Carsten Rinke)
For Developers

        • The code is reorganized into a core library directory, libgnucash, 
and applications-specific directory, gnucash. Code lifted from other projects 
is in borrowed. (Geert Janssens)
        • Several parts of the engine and the SQL backend are rewritten in C++, 
an effort that will continue in the next development cycle. KVP is now private 
to libgncmod-engine. Object properties stored using KVP are generally 
accessible using g_object_get and g_object_set; there is also a more direct 
access available via qof_instance_get and qof_instance_set. (John Ralls and 
Aaron Laws)
        • KVP and GUID are reimplemnted in C++ using boost::variant and 
boost::UUID respectively (Aaron Laws).
        • The date implementation is migrated to boost::date-time, replacing a 
Glib GDateTime implementation. This makes the earliest date recordable 1 
January 1400CE instead of 1 January 1CE. (John Ralls)
        • Distribution tarballs can now be built with CMake as well as 
Autotools. (Rob Gowin)
        • The CuteCash front end has been removed. The code we need from 
GOffice has been brought into the GnuCash code base so GOffice is no longer a 
        • A new Russian translation of the Guide has been started by Dmitriy 
Mandel. Downloads in the usual formats are available at; the HTML is at
        • There will be no unstable documentation release at this time. There 
have been very few relatively minor changes to the master documentation branch; 
those documents may be viewed in the nightly builds at

        • On Microsoft Windows starting the AQBanking Setup Wizard crashes 
        • test-import-bayes built with autotools intermittently fails at line 
381, where the returned value is 1 instead of the expected 6.
Getting GnuCash for Windows and MacOS X

GnuCash is provided for both Microsoft Windows XP® and later and MacOS X 10.9 
(Mavericks)® and later in pre-built, all-in-one packages. An installer is 
provided for Microsoft Windows® while the MacOS X® package is a disk image 
containing a drag-and-drop application bundle.

The SHA256 Hashes for the downloadable files are:

        • 429f9aef704fe9378aa400d3e29c22e383e184d54ed4bc364406e38356ac01ef  
        • afa303bfbc183a700f77013b214f0b25843ee5a8da83994daae1926af990e525  
        • 2c83e8f79042e997f624efdb1abd154f50aafa5c7afa30e837f34dd16e381d85  
        • 1b2fd8157c077dd2f2da2b1b1a7ffc88a57583ad931b0b4ed0e30a15fc2e7193  

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