OK, problem has returned... it went away for a couple of weeks?

Seems like the search results register > account report is unreliable at
best.  Although I would expect the search register results to balance (i.e.
debits equal credits) this is not always the case. It is also calculating
and displaying a balance which has no context since there may be multiple
accounts in the search results.  This balance is helpful in identifying the
issue in the case of an expense account it should continue to increase.  

If I do a search on a single vendor AND specific expense account I would
expect the Dr=Cr unless there has been an actual credit from the vendor.

I simply would like to filter the book to determine how much I spent with a
particular vendor for a specific expense account.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

OS - LinuxMint 18.2
GNUcash - 2.6.12
MariaDB - 10.0.31


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