Hi, Eric.

Thanks for getting back to me.

I reported in my original email that using tls.ax shows no currency:

gnc-fq-dump -valphavantage tls.ax
Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
    symbol: tls.ax               <=== required
      date: 11/09/2017           <=== recommended
*currency: ** missing **        <=== required*
      last: 3.4600               <=\
       nav:                      <=== one of these
     price:                      <=/
  timezone:                      <=== optional

** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!

All fields returned by Finance::Quote for stock tls.ax

stock           field  value
-----           -----  -----
tls.ax          close: 3.4600
tls.ax     currency_set_by_fq: 1
tls.ax           date: 11/09/2017
tls.ax           high: 3.4700
tls.ax        isodate: 2017-11-09
tls.ax           last: 3.4600
tls.ax            low: 3.4400
tls.ax         method: alphavantage
tls.ax           open: 3.4600
tls.ax        success: 1
tls.ax         symbol: tls.ax
tls.ax         volume: 22162836


On 13/11/2017 01:29, Erik Colson wrote:
prl <p...@ozemail.com.au> writes:

F::Q 1.45 seems to be returning the wrong currency (or none) for
Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) stocks.

For example, for Telstra (ASX:TLS), if I run:
gnc-fq-dump alphavantage asx:tls

I get:
currency: USD
Currencies are deduced based on suffix.  So, try TLS.AX instead of
ASX:TLS.  Please report if this solves your issue.

erik colson

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