That’s it!  The left double click worked. Thank you!

Julie Bernier

> On May 8, 2018, at 9:20 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
> <> wrote:
> First, now that you’ve verified you want to open the app, try opening it with 
> a left-click from LaunchPad or left double-click from the Applications 
> folder. Be sure not to try launching the app from within bundle. Only launch 
> from LaunchPad, the Applications Folder, or your Dock if you’ve placed it 
> there. If that still doesn’t work, read on...
> ----------
> Since that didn’t work, let’s make sure the download is proper.
> This might seem complicated at first, but it is in fact very easy with very 
> little typing. (the worst parts you get to drag and drop)
> Open Finder to your Downloads folder (or wherever you downloaded the .dmg to) 
> and move it to one side.
> Open your web browser and move it aside.
> Open a window and position it so you can see it with the other 
> two windows on the screen. You can find it in Launchpad > Utilities, or use 
> Spotlight [CMD-Space] and search for and launch it. (It’s also 
> in Applications > Utilities from Finder)
> At the command prompt (which ends in a ‘$’ sign) type:
> openssl sha256
> followed by a space, then click and drag the .dmg file from your Downloads 
> folder and drop it after that space. (this will copy the full path to where 
> that dmg is stored on your machine at the end of the command)
> Then type another space and then a “pipe” character (looks like this-> | and 
> is located above the enter key, you’ll have to use SHIFT to get it) followed 
> by another space, then the word grep followed by another space.
> Then in your browser, go to the main project page on SourceForge for GnuCash: 
> <>
> Click the Files tab.
> Click ‘gnucash (stable)' folder.
> Click the folder for the version you downloaded, in this case, probably the 
> ’3.1’ folder.
> After the file listing, you’ll see a listing of ‘hashes’ which are long 
> strings of letters and numbers with the corresponding file name next to them. 
> Find the one for the .dmg you downloaded.
> Double-click the hash to select it.
> Now, carefully click and drag it onto the window. (you can 
> alternatively use the right-click menu on the hash to copy, and then again to 
> paste at the end of the terminal command)
> The final command you’ve created should look like something like this:
> openssl sha256 /Users/yourname-here/Downloads/Gnucash-Intel-3.1-2.dmg | grep 
> 71d06ea408302defacf08dcc8343ade86eeb2298b8b33e75a6e240754c2faf7f
> (that’s really one line, it may or may not wrap depending on how wide your 
> window is) ‘yourname-here’ would be replaced by the name of the 
> logged in user on your Mac. (probably ‘julie’)
> Hit ENTER.
> After a few seconds or so, you should get a response like this:
> SHA256(/Users/yourname-here/Downloads/Gnucash-Intel-3.1-2.dmg)= 
> 71d06ea408302defacf08dcc8343ade86eeb2298b8b33e75a6e240754c2faf71
> followed by the command prompt.
> If all you get is your command prompt back instead, then the hashes don’t 
> match. (be sure you copied the right one) You’ll need to try the download 
> again and re-verify till they do. You can just hit the up-arrow key in the 
> terminal to repeat the last command after the new download, but be sure to 
> delete the bad download first or sometimes the file gets renamed with a ‘-1’ 
> or something similar after it and the command will give you a “no such file 
> or directory” error.
> ----------
> Okay, that looked really technical, but wasn’t too hard to pull off. What you 
> did was run a command to calculate the hash of the already downloaded file 
> and then compare it to the one it was supposed to calculate. If they matched, 
> it spat the hash back at you. If they didn’t, it does nothing. A matching 
> hash means your download was complete and uncorrupted. (there really should 
> be a simpler way to do this, I admit)
> If the hashes matched and you still can’t get it to open after dropping the 
> in the Applications folder and right-clicking to open and confirm 
> followed by a left-click to launch normally, then I’m stumped.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On May 8, 2018, at 12:36 PM, jnbernier <> wrote:
>> Hi Adrien,
>> Responses are below
>> Julie Bernier
>>> On May 8, 2018, at 8:43 AM, Adrien Monteleone 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Julie,
>>> Usually when this happens I just launch again after confirming I want to 
>>> open and it works the second time. (this isn’t unique to GnuCash)
>> I have tried launching and confirming about 8 times.
>>> Does it get as far as showing you the contents of the bundle? You’ll see 
>>> ‘’, ‘FinanceQuote’ and a few .txt files. If you get 
>>> that far, drag and drop the file to your Applications folder.
>> Yes, it opens the window with the content bundle.
>> I went back and tried to drag the application into the applications folder 
>> and tried to run it from there.  The same thing happens.
>> It tells me its not from the App Store and asks if I’m sure I want to open 
>> it.  When I say confirm, it just shuts down.
>>> If not, perhaps try deleting that copy and re-downloading. Make sure you 
>>> get it from the official source via the links on:
>> I had tried this already.  When I go to and click to download, 
>> it redirects me to Sourceforge and automatically downloads.
>>> You should also ‘verify’ the download using the hashes given for the .dmg 
>>> on the download page. There are plenty of resources on how to do so if you 
>>> aren’t familiar with the process. If you need help, ask us here on the list.
>> Yeah, I have no idea what this means??  :(
>> Many thanks
>>> Regards,
>>> Adrien
>>>> On May 8, 2018, at 5:49 AM, jnbernier <> wrote:
>>>> I am unable to install on my Mac.  I run the dmg file fine, it opens a 
>>>> dialog box that says “verifying Gnucash.  Then the next dialog box says 
>>>> "Gnucash is an application dowloaded form the Internet. Are you sure you 
>>>> want to open?"  I confirm by clicking “open” and then the file 
>>>> closes/crashes.  I can’t get past this point.
>>>> Julie Bernier
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