
Mike or Penny Novack <stepbystepf...@dialup4less.com> writes:

> On 7/25/2018 2:06 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> R..... but the short answer is, no, there is no (and probably won’t
>> ever be) any payroll module or features. Unfortunately, the
>> jurisdictional requirement nightmare to comply with every nuance
>> across the entire planet is beyond the time and resources of the
>> small development team.
>> However, GnuCash can handle the payroll accounting entries and even
>> print the checks. (with vouchers if you’re up for some finagling)
>> You’ll have to calculate the deductions from gross separately in
>> some other software first though. The most common suggestion I’ve
>> seen is to setup a spreadsheet with the proper deduction rates and
>> you just fill in the gross.....
> But that is ONLY if there is an insistence on monolithic design. What
> might not be beyond the capabilities of the development team is to
> introduce a facility for gnucash to accept FEEDS (from external
> components). Once that capability is present, it would be possible for
> OTHER teams to come into existence to create POS and Payroll systems
> << both of those have jurisdiction dependencies so might well be just
> for this or that jurisdiction >> that would interface with gnucash and
> other external facilities like "inventory" which would be more likely
> universal << not jurisdiction dependent >>
> However I've always been on the modular side in the great monolithic
> vs modular debate.

When I've considered payroll features for GnuCash, the way I've
envisioned it was that gnucash would implement a payroll framework, but
would require plug-ins (or local input) for all locale settings.  My
reasoning is that each locale has different requirements, so building in
all the different variations for each country/state/county/city would be
challenging.  HOWEVER, I feel it's easy enough to enumerate all the
different KINDS of rules and implement them in a framework -- and let
someone *else* maintain the specific databases that apply the rule
definitions to the local requirements.

One could even make a business of selling these locale plug-ins  :)
keeping them up to date every year, etc.  (E.g. a subscription service)

The first step, of course, would be to create the generalized rule
framework.  I claim NOT-IT!

> Michael D Novack

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
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