
Where is your data file located. The error message  indicates a permissions
problem not a problem in GnuCash itself. It may be that your data file is in
a directory you do not own and you may not own the file itself. If you used
administrator privileges to copy the data file to your system and/or create
the directory it is in for example. Your data file should be located
somewhere under your home directory /home/<user> where <user> is your

ls -al <path-to directory> should list the permissions, owner and group for
your data file. They should be something like
-rw-r--r-- 1 <username> <username> <file-size> <date-time> 
You will also see log files and backup files in your directory. If this is
OK check up the directory tree

cd <path-to-directory>    # puts you in the directory containing your file
cd..                                 # puts you in the directory which
contains the directory containing your file
ls -al                               # list the directories and files

The containing directory should have permissions something like:

drwxr-xr-x 4 <username> <username> <size> <date-time> <directory-name>

If the permissions especially for the file owner ( first group after d or -) 
are not rwx and you do not at least have read and write access to the
directory GnuCash will not be able to open the file.

David Cousens

David Cousens
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