
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: jeffrey black <>
> To: Gnucash userlist <>
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2019 18:10:16 +0000
> Subject: [GNC] txf tax report problem
> I just ran a report for Tax Schedule Report/TXF Export.  Under schedule
> C, line 27a for "Bad debts" I am getting an incorrect total.  I use 2
> accounts for this value (all USD):
> Business:Bad debt    Total $218.00
> Business:Fee               Total $20
> The report shows:
> Total for line 27a: Bad debts (305)     238.00
> Total for Sched C Line 27a                    734.61
> For the life of me I can not figure out where the extra  $496.61 is
> coming from.  It does not change the values if I change the report
> options either.  I just checked all of my accounts (including hidden
> accounts) for the Bad debts line 27a and there are no other accounts
> listed.
> Any ideas before I file a bug report?
> Windows 10 pro 1809
> Version: 3.2
> Build ID: 3.2+ (2018-06-24)
> Finance::Quote: -
> Using xml data file.
> --
> --JEffrey Black M.B.A.
Thanks for pointing this out. I've seen your bug report and am trying to
figure it out.

Am I correct that if you run the report *with transaction details* printed:

   - all of the subtotals for 'Business:Bad debt' and 'Business:Fee' are
   - the subtotal for line 27a: Bad debts (305) is correct
   - the Schedule C Line 27a  line total is off by $496.61
   - and you are sure that these are the only two accounts that are
   assigned to code 305

The only two things I can think of are:

   - in the system, Code 305 is also assigned to "Sched C: Other business
   expenses" as well as "Sched C: Bad debts". Are there any other accounts
   assigned to code 305 in your book? If you click on the down arrow on the
   upper right hand corner of the account hierarchy tab and click on the 'Tax
   Info' checkbox, each account will show if it was assigned to a tax code and
   which one. Could you then scan down and make sure no other accounts are
   assigned to 'Sched C: Bad Debts' or ' Sched C: Other business expenses'?
   They would have to be expense accounts. If there are, that could explain
   the difference.
   - Report accumulators aren't being zeroed out. When you run the report
   do you see 496.61 (or numbers that could add up to that) in any of the
   preceding subtotals. The trouble with this possibility is that it would
   likely show up on many other subtotal as well and this hasn't been reported.

I look forward to your response and thanks for reporting this.


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