Another known and fixed Gtk bug related to changing display settings with 
multiple monitors. The workaround is to not mess with your monitors while 
GnuCash is running.

John Ralls

> On Mar 22, 2019, at 8:08 AM, suk wah Bernstein <> 
> wrote:
> thanks so much, david, DATE is showing in full. beautiful.
> that said, 3.3 quit unexpectedly. tried two times before it successfully 
> opened. here's 1st user report from EXCEPTION to THREAD 1:
> Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
> Exception Codes:       KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000128
> Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY
> Termination Signal:    Segmentation fault: 11
> Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb
> Terminating Process:   exc handler [16035]
> VM Regions Near 0x128:
> --> 
>     __TEXT                 000000010a730000-000000010a743000 [   76K] r-x/rwx 
> SM=COW  /Applications/
> Application Specific Information:
> objc_msgSend() selector name: visibleFrame
> Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
> 0   libobjc.A.dylib                   0x00007fff5e6de11d objc_msgSend_stret + 
> 29
> 1   libgdk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010b2add02 
> gdk_quartz_monitor_get_workarea + 98
> 2   libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010ae9544f 
> gtk_window_guess_default_size + 79
> 3   libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010ae8f16b 
> gtk_window_compute_configure_request + 299
> 4   libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010ae98921 gtk_window_realize + 
> 641
> 5   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib            0x000000010b67ba0a _g_closure_invoke_va 
> + 314
> 6   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib            0x000000010b693831 g_signal_emit_valist 
> + 1521
> 7   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib            0x000000010b694216 g_signal_emit + 134
> 8   libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010ae75c81 gtk_widget_realize + 
> 257
> 9   libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010ae32b54 
> gtk_tooltip_show_tooltip + 436
> 10  libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010ae3317c 
> tooltip_popup_timeout + 44
> 11  libgdk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010b274992 gdk_threads_dispatch 
> + 50
> 12  libglib-2.0.0.dylib               0x000000010aa3e548 g_timeout_dispatch + 
> 24
> 13  libglib-2.0.0.dylib               0x000000010aa41fb5 
> g_main_context_dispatch + 309
> 14  libglib-2.0.0.dylib               0x000000010aa422e3 
> g_main_context_iterate + 419
> 15  libglib-2.0.0.dylib               0x000000010aa4260f g_main_loop_run + 223
> 16  libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010ad2519a gtk_main + 74
> 17  libgncmod-gnome-utils.dylib       0x000000010d8129df 
> gnc_ui_start_event_loop + 47
> 18  org.gnucash.Gnucash               0x000000010a7401ec inner_main + 1116
> 19  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010a897632 invoke_main_func + 34
> 20  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010a877eef c_body + 15
> 21  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010a8ffc5a vm_regular_engine + 
> 1290
> 22  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010a8febff scm_call_n + 495
> 23  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010a8fb8aa catch + 506
> 24  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010a877ebc 
> scm_c_with_continuation_barrier + 140
> 25  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010a8fb4b1 with_guile + 65
> 26  libgc.1.dylib                     0x000000010a9b97fb 
> GC_call_with_stack_base + 27
> 27  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010a8f935b scm_with_guile + 43
> 28  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010a8975f5 scm_boot_guile + 69
> 29  org.gnucash.Gnucash               0x000000010a73fbc3 main + 3363
> 30  libdyld.dylib                     0x00007fff5f7baed9 start + 1
> Thread 1:
> 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x00007fff5f8f77de __psynch_cvwait + 10
> 1   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00007fff5f9b1593 _pthread_cond_wait + 
> 724
> 2   libgc.1.dylib                     0x000000010a9c00a7 GC_wait_marker + 23
> 3   libgc.1.dylib                     0x000000010a9b60d5 GC_help_marker + 69
> 4   libgc.1.dylib                     0x000000010a9be641 GC_mark_thread + 177
> 5   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00007fff5f9ae305 _pthread_body + 126
> 6   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00007fff5f9b126f _pthread_start + 70
> 7   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
> here's 2nd user report from EXCEPTION to THREAD 1:
> Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
> Exception Codes:       KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x000060030385ac40
> Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY
> Termination Signal:    Segmentation fault: 11
> Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb
> Terminating Process:   exc handler [17660]
> VM Regions Near 0x60030385ac40:
>     MALLOC_NANO (reserved) 0000600008000000-0000600020000000 [384.0M] rw-/rwx 
> SM=NUL  reserved VM address space (unallocated)
> --> 
>     STACK GUARD            000070000634b000-000070000634c000 [    4K] ---/rwx 
> SM=NUL  stack guard for thread 7
> Application Specific Information:
> objc_msgSend() selector name: visibleFrame
> Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
> 0   libobjc.A.dylib                   0x00007fff5e6de129 objc_msgSend_stret + 
> 41
> 1   libgdk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010fa96d02 
> gdk_quartz_monitor_get_workarea + 98
> 2   libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010f67944f 
> gtk_window_guess_default_size + 79
> 3   libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010f67316b 
> gtk_window_compute_configure_request + 299
> 4   libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010f67c921 gtk_window_realize + 
> 641
> 5   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib            0x000000010fe5da0a _g_closure_invoke_va 
> + 314
> 6   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib            0x000000010fe75831 g_signal_emit_valist 
> + 1521
> 7   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib            0x000000010fe76216 g_signal_emit + 134
> 8   libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010f659c81 gtk_widget_realize + 
> 257
> 9   libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010f67c141 gtk_window_show + 65
> 10  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib            0x000000010fe5d7a2 g_closure_invoke + 
> 306
> 11  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib            0x000000010fe74a7d 
> signal_emit_unlocked_R + 1277
> 12  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib            0x000000010fe75b30 g_signal_emit_valist 
> + 2288
> 13  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib            0x000000010fe76216 g_signal_emit + 134
> 14  libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010f6594c7 gtk_widget_show + 263
> 15  libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x000000010f464d27 gtk_dialog_run + 215
> 16  libgncmod-gnome-utils.dylib       0x0000000111ff550d gnc_post_file_open + 
> 1085
> 17  org.gnucash.Gnucash               0x000000010ef27131 inner_main + 929
> 18  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010f076632 invoke_main_func + 34
> 19  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010f056eef c_body + 15
> 20  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010f0dec5a vm_regular_engine + 
> 1290
> 21  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010f0ddbff scm_call_n + 495
> 22  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010f0da8aa catch + 506
> 23  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010f056ebc 
> scm_c_with_continuation_barrier + 140
> 24  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010f0da4b1 with_guile + 65
> 25  libgc.1.dylib                     0x000000010f1977fb 
> GC_call_with_stack_base + 27
> 26  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010f0d835b scm_with_guile + 43
> 27  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x000000010f0765f5 scm_boot_guile + 69
> 28  org.gnucash.Gnucash               0x000000010ef26bc3 main + 3363
> 29  libdyld.dylib                     0x00007fff5f7baed9 start + 1
> Thread 1:
> 0   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00007fff5f9ad3f8 start_wqthread + 0
> 1   ???                               0x0000000054485244 0 + 1414025796
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 9:35 PM David Carlson <> 
> wrote:
> You could also double click inside the date title box.
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2019, 11:31 PM David Carlson <> 
> wrote:
> I meant right edge of the date title box, not it the entire window. 
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2019, 9:42 PM suk wah Bernstein <> 
> wrote:
> tried adjusting from the right edge. DESCRIPTION is affected, DATE unaffected.
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 7:36 PM David Carlson <> 
> wrote:
> I think the date field width can only be adjusted from the right edge.  At 
> least that is how it works in older versions. 
> David Carlson 
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2019, 9:08 PM suk wah Bernstein <> 
> wrote:
> great. thank you. 3.3 so far so good. personally i like the look of 3.3
> more, numerals are larger
> 2 small issues, both regarding DATE column.
> - the first digit is only partially visible, e.g. 2/3/2018, the front half
> of '2' is cut off.
> - the first and half of second digits in NEW ENTRY are cut off
> i tried enlarging the left side of window but no effect.
> thanks
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 1:34 PM John Ralls <>
> wrote:
> > You don't have to, you can have as many different GnuCash versions
> > installed on a Mac as you like, you just need to either rename them or keep
> > them in different directories because they normally all have the same
> > filename. But since you're not going to use GnuCash 3.4 any more you might
> > as well trash it.
> >
> > You should certainly quit GnuCash before starting a different version on
> > the same file.
> >
> > Regards,
> > John Ralls
> >
> >
> > > On Mar 21, 2019, at 1:26 PM, suk wah Bernstein <
> >> wrote:
> > >
> > > Thank you.
> > >
> > > do i quit 3.4, trash 3.4 before downloading 3.3?
> > >
> > > On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 1:14 PM John Ralls <
> >> wrote:
> > > This is It will be
> > fixed in the upcoming release of GnuCash 3.5; in the meantime you can avoid
> > it by using GnuCash 3.3 instead of 3.4. You can download 3.3 at
> >
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > John Ralls
> > >
> > > > On Mar 21, 2019, at 1:00 PM, suk wah Bernstein <
> >> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Exception Type:        EXC_ARITHMETIC (SIGFPE)
> > > > Exception Codes:       EXC_I386_DIV (divide by zero)
> > > > Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY
> > > >
> > > > Termination Signal:    Floating point exception: 8
> > > > Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0x8
> > > > Terminating Process:   exc handler [13974]
> > > >
> > > > Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
> > > > 0   libgdk-3.0.dylib                  0x0000000102b6e3d4
> > configure_monitor + 276
> > > > 1   libgdk-3.0.dylib                  0x0000000102b6e49b
> > display_reconfiguration_callback + 139
> > > > 2                0x00007fff58683c72
> > displayConfigFinalizedProc + 240
> > > > 3                0x00007fff586797f2
> > CGSPostLocalNotification + 420
> > > > 4                0x00007fff586793e4 (anonymous
> > namespace)::notify_datagram_handler(unsigned int, CGSDatagramType, void*,
> > unsigned long, void*) + 94
> > > > 5                0x00007fff5867d0dc
> > CGSDatagramReadStream::dispatch_next_main_queue_datagram() + 270
> > > > 6                0x00007fff588d219e invocation
> > function for block in
> > CGSDatagramReadStream::dispatch_main_queue_datagrams_async(dispatch_queue_s*,
> > CGSDatagramReadStream*) + 59
> > > > 7   libdispatch.dylib                 0x00007fff5f76bd53
> > _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12
> > > > 8   libdispatch.dylib                 0x00007fff5f76cdcf
> > _dispatch_client_callout + 8
> > > > 9   libdispatch.dylib                 0x00007fff5f777f63
> > _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 1125
> > > > 10          0x00007fff3256e0c7
> > > > 11          0x00007fff3256d7d6
> > __CFRunLoopRun + 2335
> > > > 12          0x00007fff3256cc64
> > CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 463
> > > > 13               0x00007fff31803ab5
> > RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 293
> > > > 14               0x00007fff318037eb
> > ReceiveNextEventCommon + 618
> > > > 15               0x00007fff31803568
> > _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64
> > > > 16                  0x00007fff2fabe363 _DPSNextEvent
> > + 997
> > > > 17                  0x00007fff2fabd102
> > -[NSApplication(NSEvent)
> > _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1362
> > > > 18  libgdk-3.0.dylib                  0x0000000102b71ed2 poll_func +
> > 178
> > > > 19  libglib-2.0.0.dylib               0x000000010230428d
> > g_main_context_iterate + 333
> > > > 20  libglib-2.0.0.dylib               0x000000010230460f
> > g_main_loop_run + 223
> > > > 21  libgtk-3.0.dylib                  0x00000001025eb46a gtk_main + 74
> > > > 22  libgncmod-gnome-utils.dylib       0x00000001050e293f
> > gnc_ui_start_event_loop + 47
> > > > 23  org.gnucash.Gnucash               0x00000001020031ec inner_main +
> > 1116
> > > > 24  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x0000000102152632
> > invoke_main_func + 34
> > > > 25  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x0000000102132eef c_body + 15
> > > > 26  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x00000001021bac5a
> > vm_regular_engine + 1290
> > > > 27  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x00000001021b9bff scm_call_n +
> > 495
> > > > 28  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x00000001021b68aa catch + 506
> > > > 29  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x0000000102132ebc
> > scm_c_with_continuation_barrier + 140
> > > > 30  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x00000001021b64b1 with_guile +
> > 65
> > > > 31  libgc.1.dylib                     0x00000001022787fb
> > GC_call_with_stack_base + 27
> > > > 32  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x00000001021b435b
> > scm_with_guile + 43
> > > > 33  libguile-2.2.1.dylib              0x00000001021525f5
> > scm_boot_guile + 69
> > > > 34  org.gnucash.Gnucash               0x0000000102002bc1 main + 3425
> > > > 35  libdyld.dylib                     0x00007fff5f7baed9 start + 1
> > > >
> > > > Thread 1:
> > > > 0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x00007fff5f8f77de
> > __psynch_cvwait + 10
> > > > 1   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00007fff5f9b1593
> > _pthread_cond_wait + 724
> > > > 2   libgc.1.dylib                     0x000000010227f0a7
> > GC_wait_marker + 23
> > > > 3   libgc.1.dylib                     0x00000001022750d5
> > GC_help_marker + 69
> > > > 4   libgc.1.dylib                     0x000000010227d641
> > GC_mark_thread + 177
> > > > 5   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00007fff5f9ae305 _pthread_body
> > + 126
> > > > 6   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00007fff5f9b126f
> > _pthread_start + 70
> > > > 7   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00007fff5f9ad415 thread_start
> > + 13
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 12:51 PM John Ralls <
> >> wrote:
> > > > Good. Open it and find lines starting with Exception Type and Thread
> > 1. Drag your mouse over all of the lines between those two so that they're
> > highlighted. Press Command-C on the keyboard to copy them.
> > > >
> > > > Open a reply to this email and click in the body, then press Command-V
> > to paste the lines into the email. Send it.
> > > >
> > > > Regards,
> > > > John Ralls
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > On Mar 21, 2019, at 12:46 PM, suk wah Bernstein <
> >> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > the last one is from last evening after successfully reconciled one
> > statement.
> > > > >
> > > > > On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 12:43 PM suk wah Bernstein <
> >> wrote:
> > > > > yes, 9.
> > > > >
> > > > > On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 12:09 PM John Ralls <
> >> wrote:
> > > > > First let's see if we can figure out why it's quitting. Open
> > /Applications/Utilities/Console and select User Reports from the sidebar.
> > Are there any whose names start with Gnucash?
> > > > >
> > > > > Regards,
> > > > > John Ralls
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > > On Mar 21, 2019, at 8:11 AM, suk wah Bernstein <
> >> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > good news is it is working so long as it stays open.
> > > > > > not so good news is it intermittently quits unexpectedly.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > is there a way to stabilize? thanks so much for everything.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 6:49 PM suk wah Bernstein <
> >> wrote:
> > > > > > yay! it opened, quit suddenly, reopened...
> > > > > >
> > > > > > what great support! such amazing community! so much connection,
> > such love💞😘👏👍🌹
> > > > > >
> > > > > > blessings
> > > > > > suk wah
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 5:19 PM John Ralls <
> >> wrote:
> > > > > > Maf's right, 2.4.7 is very old and is indeed too old to run on
> > Mojave. The _inflate_validate error message is consistent with trying to
> > run too old a version of GnuCash. If it's still spinning the beachball then
> > by all means force-quit. Then drag Gnucash to the trash and empty the trash.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > You can download the latest release of GnuCash from
> >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Regards,
> > > > > > John Ralls
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > On Mar 20, 2019, at 2:07 PM, suk wah Bernstein <
> >> wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I am trying to download Gnucash 3.4, still failing at opening it.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Meanwhile, in Applications Folder, there is a hardrive icon,
> > under the old Gnucash icon, titled Gnucash-Intel-2.4.7
> > > > > > > Wild guess, it may be to do with the Gnucash version that I have
> > been using and working well before upgrading to Mojave. don't know for sure.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 1:58 PM Maf. King <>
> > wrote:
> > > > > > > On Wednesday, 20 March 2019 19:52:28 GMT suk wah Bernstein wrote:
> > > > > > > > fyi FINDER not responding. force quit?
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 11:34 AM suk wah Bernstein <
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > fyi color wheels still spinning in desktop where icon is and
> > Applications
> > > > > > > > > after several hours. email working.
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Hi,
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I don't know Macs, but it sounds like a reboot might be a good
> > idea.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I am a bit confused, though.  You said you had downloaded
> > Gnucash 3.4, but
> > > > > > > then you mention GC 2.4.7  -  which is *very* old.  have you got
> > some old
> > > > > > > partial installation of an old GC lying around?
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Maf.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >
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