On Thu, Jan 02, 2020 at 01:54:30PM -0600, boldstripe wrote:
> Thanks for the explanation, David. I think I may have been a bit over-zealous
> in my sudo use at the first stages of the procedure; that is perhaps what
> caused the permissions issue when I did not 'sudo' later on.
> I also run Gnucash inside Debian Buster virtual machines on both my Mac and
> Windows machines (as well as the native apps), so at some stage I will have
> to repeat this build operation there. When I do, I will try and be more
> careful about my sudo use and see if I can build without problems; I'll
> report back in due course. Now I know a bit more about how it should go, I
> would also like to see how much can be done without resort to
> buster-backports. Because these are virtual machines, which I can clone
> (backup) before I start, it will be a bit easier to experiment with.
> Buster has been out more than six months now and I may be ready soon for an
> upgrade to Bullseye ('testing' in Debian) soon. By then v3.8 may have
> reached the repository with a bit of luck.
> A big thank you to whoever updated the 'Building on Linux' wiki
> documentation, which was much improved over the last time I tried to build
> Gnucash myself.


I'm helping my wifeto move off Win7 (she won't use Win10) to ubuntu,
and I set her up with 18.04 Mate.

I did a build of 3.8 on her new installation t'other day and it went
with no trouble at all, except I had to tell cmake not to try to build
the sql parts. And that was no biggie.

She doesn't use many of the advanced features, so I don't expect her
to have big problems...I built her a 3.1 (on Centos) back when it was
new and she had no issues with it either so I don't expect any on 3.8

Thanks to the hard-working Gnucash team!


---- Fred Smith -- fre...@fcshome.stoneham.ma.us -----------------------------
    "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of
     heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."
------------------------------ Matthew 7:21 (niv) -----------------------------
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