On Monday, 2 March 2020 21:26:57 GMT David H wrote:
> Maf,
> I'm using the gmail web interface if I open your email and click the
> dropdown triangle next to you details this is what I see - note the via
> gnucash :-)
> from:Maf. King <m...@chilwell.net> via
> <https://support.google.com/mail/answer/1311182?hl=en-GB> gnucash.org to:
> gnucash-user@gnucash.org
> I think from the snippet included in Adrian's email the guy has subscribed
> to both the gnucash  mailing list and the Nabble archive hence the mention
> of nabble.com in it.
> My feeling is that he wants to unsubscribe from the actual gnucash mailing
> list (mailman) and just remain subscribed to Nabble ???
> Cheers David.

Thanks for the enlightenment, David, that Gmail divines extra info to display 
that is not in the email headers.  It may explain the "via Gnucash" message 
that Alan (OP) sees, although he does mention using Outlook not gmail.

I think you are correct that Alan has subscribed to one or more list reflectors 
in some way in addition to subscribing to the main listserv.


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