Let’s clear up a few things:

0. *Play* with reports to learn them, particularly, don’t use the Ok button in 
Options until it looks the way you want, use the Apply button to keep the 
Options window visible as you adjust settings and preferences.

1. P&L doesn’t report ‘for’ asset accounts. It reports on only Expense and 
Income accounts. Assets accounts do not ‘own’ those income and expense accounts 
and those accounts do not ‘belong to’ any asset account. All are part of the 
book, which belong to the entity. (a person, a household, a club, an 
organization, a business, etc.)

2. Both the P&L and the Cashflow report are for a period, with a start and end 
date. You can make this period anything you want in GnuCash. (some apps 
restrict you here, GnuCash does not) There are preset ‘quick dates’ and the 
default is the ‘accounting period’ which for most people is one year. (this is 
set in preferences) But there are quick dates for ’start of this month’ ’start 
of last month’ ’start of this quarter’ etc. (along with their comparable ‘end 
of dates’) But you can also specify exact dates.

What you won’t see is a 12 month side-by-side report. (there is an experimental 
multi-column version of the Income Statement in the Experimental reports menu, 
set your Duration to ‘monthly’)

If you want that for the Cashflow report, you’ll have to run a report for each 
month separately, then move it to a spreadsheet and manipulate further from 

3. If you want to show Income - Expenses *for the entire book* (with account 
selection), you want the P&L or Income Statement report. (same report, two 

4. The Cashflow report will show *all* movements of cash, not just those 
involving income or expenses. For example, a payment on a loan or credit card 
is not an expense, but it is a cash flow. (the expense was incurred when you 
charged on the card at the store, not when you pay the bill) A loan usually is 
for some asset like a car, land, house, or equipment, but it could be for a 
major expense as well. The expense is incurred when you receive the 
goods/services, not when you pay the loan.

5. If you are using your book for multiple people, like those in a household 
and you want to see each person’s income-expenses in addition to the entire 
household, then you can take three approaches:

  5a. Separate Books for each person, and a combined book for the entire 
  5b. One book, with entirely separate account trees for each person
  5c. One book, with separate asset accounts like checking and cash, and 
possibly income, but common expense accounts, using a tagging system for the 
expenses and income.

5a. Will require duplicating entries into the common household book - the 
formal method. (can use Income/P&L report)
5b. Will require lots of extra accounts and diligence to make sure you aren’t 
using the wrong account in transactions. (can use Income/P&L report)
5c. Is the least work, but does require making up a tagging system and likely 
saved *Transaction* report configurations for each person. (to save time later) 
Can’t use built-in Income/P&L Reports, use Transaction Report instead.

The tagging system would work like this:

Using the Notes or Memo field, include text like “#me” or “#bob” et cetera for 
each income and expense transaction. (The exact text can be anything you want, 
even emojis I think)

Then run a Transaction Report

1. Options > Accounts - select all expense accounts and the income accounts. 
(if segregated, then just those for that person)

2. Options > Filter > Transaction Filter - enter the tag text you want to 
filter by, you have an option to use Regular Expressions if you like. (or even 
exclude a text match, such as running a report for the household sans #bob)

3. Options > General > Start/End Date - set to ’start/end of this month’ or as 

4. Options > Sorting > Show subtotals only (hide transactional data) - check 
this box

5. Apply or Ok

This will give you a single column informal Income Statement. (that is, it 
doesn’t create headings for Income and Expenses or separate them) Depending on 
your account tree, more than likely, your expense accounts will be first, 
followed by income accounts.

The default is to show a single figures column with income as negative. You can 
switch to Debit/Credit columns via Options > Display > Amount > ‘Double’. With 
’Single’ you get the option to alter the Reverse Balance setting, but it 
doesn’t appear to work as expected.

The ‘Grand Total’ will be the net income.


The Transaction Report is very versatile and *can* give you a monthly breakdown.

1. Options > Sorting > Primary Key - change to ‘Date’
2. Options > Sorting > Primary Subtotal for Date Key - set to ‘Monthly’
3. Options > Sorting > Secondary Key - set to ‘Account Name’
4. Options > Sorting > Secondary Subtotal - check this box

optional for readability:

5. Options > General > Table for Exporting - check this box

Now, you’ll get each month for the period (if you chose quarter, year, 
accounting period or longer duration for start/end dates) with Monthly 
subtotals as well as a Grand Total for the duration of the report.

Finally, Save the configuration, and if you want, save it for each person/tag.


Note, this tagging system and refined Transaction Report can be used for other 
purposes, such as showing income-expenses for rental properties, special 
events, etc.


> On Mar 10, 2020 w11d70, at 11:59 AM, Long <phamhoanglon...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Hello Adrien Monteleone-2,
> I think P&L doesn't have ability to report for only my asset account. For
> example, i have Asset named "ME" and Assets named "You". each accounts have
> their own expenses - income. i want to have MONTHLY REPORT (Expense vs
> Income) for each Asset Accounts.
> Now, the only ways are use the Cash Flow report, And it doesn't have Monthly
> Report (P&L doesn't have monthly report too, i saw no option to do that).

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