The report started out as a blank transaction report (from the
Reports>Transaction Report menu pulldown), which I then modified as
required. Does that qualify as a "custom report"?

I never heard of trading accounts, but from what I just read in the
wiki, it seems to relate to multi-currency books, and all I have is
USD transactions, so that feature is not turned on.

The Price Database has picked up some price points from transactions,
but seems to be hit-or-miss, and it may depend on the security. If
it's important I can analyze this a bit more.


Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at
Wed May 13 14:49:51 EDT 2020

Art, you’re welcome and I’m fine with just list messages. I’m glad you
got it resolved. (just curious, is this a custom report?)

The price db *should* get a ’transaction’ type entry for every such
buy/sell transaction. You might need to have trading accounts turned
on for that, I’m not certain. If you already do, then, you might have
a bug.

I track some metal holdings and while I don’t do trades often, I have
transaction type entries in my price db. I haven’t done any
transactions since probably v3.5 or so. Maybe there is a code
regression since then.

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