Op woensdag 16 september 2020 21:46:14 CEST schreef David Carlson:
> Geert,
> I believe some users have backed off of trying to express informed opinions
> about program development or documentation development because of various
> roadblocks that have been thrown up.  Sometimes we are ignored, sometimes
> asked to learn obscure new skills, and occasionally chastised for waiting
> until after the fact to 'complain', to name a few.
We're all contributing what we can in the limited time we have available. If 
you feel being 
ignored, my apologies. Though that's probably because the devs ran out of 
time/energy not 
because your opinion didn't matter.

As for the obscure new skills, that depends on what we are talking about. I 
think most users 
should be capable of installing a nightly build of gnucash to test the current 
state of the 
program. That option is available on Windows and linux.

> There is a gap that we are having a hard time trying to deal with.  I don't
> know if there would be a way to 'warn' users about pending changes before
> they are released.  Some programs put changes into an official beta release
> available to the general public some time before moving to the stable
> release. Just an idea.
We do pre-releases for each major release. For GnuCash 4.x there were 3.902 to 
3.906. Those 
were the "official beta" releases as far as I can tell. We did catch and revert 
another behavioural 
change thanks to user testing during that cycle (that reverted change involved 
the way column 
preferences for registers were stored) so it does matter if you test.

But perhaps I'll just have to back off myself. I believe I'm getting burned out 
on gnucash 
support. Sorry.


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