
Following up, I've worked out that gnc-fq-check is quitting (not crashing, 
there's no crash report in Console) in the call to Finance::Quote->new(). The 
only artifact is a message in Console on the Mac Analytics page "perl 
getgroupcount called triggering group enumeration". If I turn on message 
streaming on the main console (the tab with the system name) I also get 
"perl5.28 Too many groups requested (2147483647). Can cause performance issues 
when network directories are involved."  4 times. That same number is given as 
the com.apple.message.value in the getgroupcount message and happens to be the 
signed int representation of 0x80000000.

John Ralls

> On Jan 22, 2021, at 5:10 PM, John Ralls <jra...@ceridwen.us> wrote:
> Justin,
> To answer your earlier question, no, F::Q doesn't work for me either on my 
> DTK. I hadn't actually even tried to install it. It took two passes through 
> sudo gnc-fq-update to get a good install so that I could run gnc-fq-check 
> successfully from terminal.
> I've been sticking print statements into price-quotes.scm and gnc-fq-check 
> and looking at the results. It seems that there's something about the final 
> printf in gnc-fq-check that chokes the guile read. I haven't figured out what 
> yet and I'm out of time for today.
> But you've confirmed my suspicion about having a non-Apple-supplied perl. 
> That will never work with the bundle launched from Finder because your shell 
> environment, which includes the path to the Homebrew-installed perl, isn't 
> read when launching an app bundle from Finder. You may be able to get it to 
> work from the terminal that way.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Jan 22, 2021, at 4:48 PM, Justin via gnucash-user 
>> <gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:
>> So... it doesn't actually work quite yet, but GnuCash does recognize it. 
>> Attempting to get quotes via the GnuCash-cli program results in a "unable to 
>> retrieve quotes for these items" message, followed by all of my securities.
>> The following will not work. It shows a bunch of missing dependency errors. 
>> This is because I installed F::Q manually, and its dependencies were not 
>> installed.
>>> echo '(yahoo_json "FSKAX")' | perl -w gnc-fq-helper
>> So I reinstalled perl (and wiped all of the modules). Then tried to install 
>> F::Q via the Perl shell. If I do:
>>> sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
>>>> install Finance::Quote
>> It will fail with the following error messages:
>>> Result: PASS
>>> ECOCODE/Finance-Quote-1.49.tar.gz
>>> Tests succeeded but one dependency not OK (LWP::Protocol::https)
>>> ECOCODE/Finance-Quote-1.49.tar.gz
>>> [dependencies] -- NA
>>> Failed during this command:
>>> CHRISN/Net-SSLeay-1.90.tar.gz : make NO
>>> SULLR/IO-Socket-SSL-2.068.tar.gz  : make_test NO one dependency not OK 
>>> (Net::SSLeay); additionally test harness failed
>>> OALDERS/LWP-Protocol-https-6.10.tar.gz  : make_test NO 2 dependencies 
>>> missing (IO::Socket::SSL,IO::Socket::SSL::Utils); additionally test harness 
>>> failed
>>> ECOCODE/Finance-Quote-1.49.tar.gz : make_test NO one dependency not OK 
>>> (LWP::Protocol::https)
>> Net::SSLeay fails because it cannot find the "openssl/err.h" header. I've 
>> installed openssl (with brew) and added the include directory to 
>> $LIBRARY_PATH, but it still doesn't find it. This is the root of the 
>> problem. I'm pretty sure if Net::SSLeay could be installed, everything else 
>> would fall in place. If anyone knows how to get this working, please let me 
>> know. I'll probably spend a little more time trying to figure it out 
>> tomorrow.
>> Regards,
>> Justin
>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>> On Friday, January 22nd, 2021 at 5:17 PM, Justin <jtrag...@pm.me> wrote:
>>> Woo. I've made progress. So I manually installed the latest F::Q from there 
>>> GitHub release (following their instructions):
>>> https://github.com/finance-quote/finance-quote/releases/tag/v1.50-rc.1
>>> This fixes the issue with running "perl -w gnc-fq-check" (and prints F::Q 
>>> v1.50) that I mentioned in the last email. But if I run "gnc-fq-check" by 
>>> itself, it still prints F::Q v1.49.
>>> Next, I tried running GnuCash from the ApplicationLauncher (or whatever 
>>> it's called) but alas, F::Q didn't work. Then, I tried running GnuCash from 
>>> the terminal. This **does** work! The GUI application shows F::Q v1.50.
>>> I'm going to mess around with it a little more. I'm unsure why there's a 
>>> discrepancy.
>>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>>> On Friday, January 22nd, 2021 at 5:07 PM, Justin <jtrag...@pm.me> wrote:
>>>> Alright. I think I might have found part of the issue. 
>>>> According to this line in GnuCash source, gnc-fq-check is run as an 
>>>> argument to perl:
>>>> https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/maint/gnucash/price-quotes.scm#L47
>>>> So I tried that out and it says F::Q is not installed.
>>>>> $ perl -w gnc-fq-check
>>>>> You need to install the following Perl modules:
>>>>>  Finance::Quote
>>>>> Use your system's package manager to install them,
>>>>> or run 'gnc-fq-update' as root.
>>>>> missing-lib
>>>> So I re-run what it says, but it doesn't make a difference:
>>>>> $ sudo ./gnc-fq-update
>>>>> Password:
>>>>> Reading '/Users/jtraglia/.cpan/Metadata'
>>>>>  Database was generated on Fri, 22 Jan 2021 00:41:03 GMT
>>>>> Date::Manip is up to date (6.83).
>>>>> Finance::Quote is up to date (1.49).
>>>> Lemme try installing F::Q another way.
>>>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>>>> On Friday, January 22nd, 2021 at 4:41 PM, Justin <jtrag...@pm.me> wrote:
>>>>> John, sorry I forgot to check if launching GnuCash from the terminal 
>>>>> makes a difference. F::Q does not work if I run GnuCash from the 
>>>>> terminal. Good idea though.
>>>>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>>>>> On Friday, January 22nd, 2021 at 4:38 PM, David H <hell...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I think that's what John meant in the second message he posted in this 
>>>>>> thread re running under Rosetta2 .....
>>>>>>>> BigSur absolutely is supported. What's not yet available yet is a 
>>>>>>>> native build for Apple Silicon, but I've found so far that the Intel 
>>>>>>>> build of GnuCash works fine with Rosetta2.
>>>>>>>> The BigSur upgrade seems to have messed up perl; I had to reinstall 
>>>>>>>> F::Q to get it working after I upgraded, but one could also set 
>>>>>>>> $PERL5LIB in the environment to include
>>>>>>>>  the old /Library/perl/5.18 as a workaround. If you did that in a 
>>>>>>>> shell rc file it would make gnc-fq-helper work from terminal but not 
>>>>>>>> from GnuCash when run from LaunchServices.
>>>>>>>> Does F::Q work when starting GnuCash from the terminal?
>>>>>>>>  Regards,
>>>>>>>> John Ralls 
>>>>>> Cheers David H.
>>>>>> On Sat, 23 Jan 2021 at 07:54, Chris Graves <mohaveba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> John Ralls, have you had success running F::Q on an M1 Mac (I seem to 
>>>>>>> recall that you had a dev kit)?
>>>>>>>> On Jan 22, 2021, at 1:11 PM, Justin <jtrag...@pm.me> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Chris, this did not fix my issue.
>>>>>>>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>>>>>>>> On Friday, January 22nd, 2021 at 9:17 AM, Chris Graves 
>>>>>>>> <mohaveba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I reinstalled (on my Intel Mac) by running:
>>>>>>>>> /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-update
>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 21, 2021, at 5:43 PM, Justin jtrag...@pm.me wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello all, thank you for replying. I'm new to this email list.
>>>>>>>>>> Dave, I do have an M1 Mac. Maybe that's part of the problem.
>>>>>>>>>> Chris, how do you reinstall F::Q? The "perl -MCPAN -e shell" doesn't 
>>>>>>>>>> have an uninstall option. I did manually upgrade F::Q though, no 
>>>>>>>>>> change. Gnucash-cli still thinks it's installed improperly.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Justin
>>>>>>>>>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, January 21st, 2021 at 7:05 PM, davel...@mac.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Chris, do you have an M1 or Intel Mac?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 21, 2021, at 6:02 PM, Chris Graves mohaveba...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Just another point of information, I had the same issue, but it 
>>>>>>>>>>>> was resolved after reinstalling F::Q as John mentions below.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 21, 2021, at 2:38 PM, davelist--- via gnucash-user 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> gnucash-user@gnucash.org wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 21, 2021, at 12:12 PM, John Ralls jra...@ceridwen.us 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 19, 2021, at 8:32 PM, Justin via gnucash-user 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gnucash-user@gnucash.org wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have an issue with GnuCash (4.4) and Finance::Quote (1.49) on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> macOS Big Sur (11.0). Despite not being officially supported, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GnuCash itself works great, with the exception of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Finance::Quote. The "get quotes" button in the Price Database 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is grayed out and the Security Editor has the warning 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Finance::Quote isn't installed properly." When running 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gnucash-cli, there is a similar error:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash-cli 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --quotes get 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /Users/username/Documents/Finances/Tracking/finances.gnucash 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --debug
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Application Path 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash-cli
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (process:2277): gnc.gui-WARNING **: 22:01:17.540: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [mac_set_languages()] Language list: en:en_US:C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -   22:01:17 INFO <gnc.backend.dbi> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [gnc_module_init_backend_dbi] 3 DBD drivers found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -   22:01:17 INFO <gnc.backend.dbi> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [gnc_module_init_backend_dbi] Driver: pgsql
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -   22:01:17 INFO <gnc.backend.dbi> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [gnc_module_init_backend_dbi] Driver: sqlite3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -   22:01:17 INFO <gnc.backend.dbi> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [gnc_module_init_backend_dbi] Driver: mysql
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -   22:01:17 INFO <gnc.gui> [Gnucash::CoreApp::start] System 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> locale returned (null)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -   22:01:17 INFO <gnc.gui> [Gnucash::CoreApp::start] 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Effective locale set to en_US.UTF-8.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -   22:01:17 INFO <gnc.app-utils.gsettings> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [gnc_gsettings_register_cb] schema: general, key: retain-days, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> settings_ptr: 0x7fde7e839430, handler_id: 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -   22:01:17 INFO <gnc.app-utils.gsettings> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [gnc_gsettings_register_cb] schema: general, key: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> retain-type-never, settings_ptr: 0x7fde7e839430, handler_id: 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -   22:01:17 INFO <gnc.app-utils.gsettings> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [gnc_gsettings_register_cb] schema: general, key: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> retain-type-days, settings_ptr: 0x7fde7e839430, handler_id: 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -   22:01:17 INFO <gnc.app-utils.gsettings> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [gnc_gsettings_register_cb] schema: general, key: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> retain-type-forever, settings_ptr: 0x7fde7e839430, handler_id: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -   22:01:17 INFO <gnc.app-utils.gsettings> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [gnc_gsettings_register_cb] schema: general, key: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file-compression, settings_ptr: 0x7fde7e839430, handler_id: 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No quotes retrieved. Finance::Quote isn't installed properly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -   22:01:17 INFO <gnc.engine> [gnc_hook_lookup] no hook lists
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The error message above isn't particularly useful. It gets 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> printed here:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/1e7433daf3307fb3e6ff6d479aacb22d42941fda/gnucash/gnucash-commands.cpp#L91
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm pretty sure that Finance::Quote itself is installed 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> properly. I'm not really sure why GnuCash does not recognize it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo gnc-fq-update
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reading '/Users/username/.cpan/Metadata'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Database was generated on Wed, 20 Jan 2021 02:29:03 GMT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date::Manip is up to date (6.83).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Finance::Quote is up to date (1.49).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A basic query shows that it does work:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ echo '(yahoo_json "CSCO")' | 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-helper
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (("CSCO" (symbol . "CSCO") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2021-01-19 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:00:00") (last . #e45.19) (currency . "USD")))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BigSur absolutely is supported. What's not yet available yet is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a native build for Apple Silicon, but I've found so far that the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intel build of GnuCash works fine with Rosetta2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The BigSur upgrade seems to have messed up perl; I had to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reinstall F::Q to get it working after I upgraded, but one could 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also set $PERL5LIB in the environment to include the old 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /Library/perl/5.18 as a workaround. If you did that in a shell 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rc file it would make gnc-fq-helper work from terminal but not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from GnuCash when run from LaunchServices.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does F::Q work when starting GnuCash from the terminal?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> John Ralls
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can confirm the same issue - quotes work from the command line 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (after re-installing finance quote) but in gnucash, the "get 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> quotes" button is disabled. I am running this on an M1 Mac (so 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> obviously Big Sur). My old Mac (where quotes work) is running 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Catalina (and the M1 Mac was set up from a Time Machine backup of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the old Maco) so I don't know if it's a M1 issue or a Big Sur 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Justin, are you using an M1 Mac?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dave
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