Your GnuCash data file can be placed anywhere suitable in your home directory
in Linux.i.e. in /home/<user> where <user> is your user name on the Linux
system. It is a good practice to create a separate subdirectory in which to
place GnuCash data file you have (e.g personal finances, business finances
etc). GnuCash creates backup and log files for each datafile each time the
file is opened in the application in the same directory as the data file so
this keeps the files for different sets of books separate and easier to
manage. The date-timestamped backup and log files allow reconstruction of
the file up to the corrupting transaction in the event of a corruption of
the data file. You will need to save to that location when you create the
data file (or move the file to that location if it already is created
somewhere else, e.g in the Flatpak directory structure).

I keep my data files in a Dropbox subdirectory of /home/<user> with a sub
directory "GnuCash_Data_Files" with sub directories of that for each of my
data files as I have a need to be able to access my accounts at times from
multiple computers and sometimes multiple physical locations over the
internet. This directory is synced to a Dropbox server. 

When I do backups of all my data, I backup all the contents of the "GnuCash
_Data_Files" directory to my offsite  backup device/location which makes
backups simple.

David Cousens
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