Hi Sharon,

Like you I'm a home user with nothing complex. I've been using GnuCash for 2.5 
years, having previously used Quicken. As Quicken stopped supporting their UK 
version in the late 1990's the version I was using was a Y2000 compliant 
version they provided to all known UK customers. Though the Y2000 continued to 
work once installed it became harder and harder to re-install and get working 
when I bought a new PC or had to rebuild my PC. One good reason to keep up to 
date with versions if possible.

Your PC's operating system will/should get regular security patches/updates. At 
some point it's possible that a security patch/update could stop an older 
version of an application working. Another good reason to keep an application 
up to date if possible.

I worked in IT for 40 years so I tend to be a bit pedantic with security 
patches/updates and new versions of applications and install them fairly 
quickly after they become available. However for a home user of GnuCash who's 
not an IT expert I would probably advise to update to the latest version 3-4 
weeks after it becomes available, as this will allow any obvious to be 
recognised and reported. Version 4.6 was released at the end of June, so now 
would be an ideal time to update.
However you didn't mention what OS and version of OS you're using, I'm guessing 
Windows because of the mention of Quicken. It may be that Version 3.8 is the 
version made available with/for your OS, and to update may not be a simple 
process. Let us know,  and someone will be able to advise appropriately.

Going back several months Adrien Monteleone posted a comprehensive workflow for 
upgrading the version of GnuCash, with all the steps necessary to enable 
recovery in case there's a problem. I've quickly searched the archive of post 
and not found it yet, but I'm sure someone might be able to put their finger on 
it quickly.

Alan A Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: gnucash-user <gnucash-user-bounces+gnucash=alanaholmes.me...@gnucash.org> 
On Behalf Of sc
Sent: 27 July 2021 16:24
To: gnucash-user@gnucash.org
Subject: [GNC] Simple Update Question


I successfully transferred from Quicken to GnuCash years ago, with no troubles. 
 I'm a home user, nothing complex.

Is there any reason I should upgrade from Version 3.8?  Are the changes mostly 
for business folks or are there changes that a home user would enjoy?


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