On 9/28/21 10:16 AM, Rogier F. van Vlissingen wrote:
Thanks to everyone for helping out.

What worked for me in the end was

    1. to set up the COA first, without attempting any opening balances, and
    2. to create a single transaction to set up the opening balances on

As it was, I had an ending trial balance on 12/31/2020, but there were a
few mistakes floating around, so in my setup, I made those corrections, and
settled it against retained earnings, by making that the final line item in
my opening transaction.

    - One thing I was not able to figure out. If I do set up this way, and I
    made a mistake in my initial g/l transaction is there a way to edit that
    transaction, or am I doomed to simply start over and do it the right way?
    - And since I made a false starts, I now have a couple of sets of books
    that I want to get rid of, but I wasn't sure how to do it, other than just
    deleting the file in the file system.


Rogier,  (my apology for not spelling it correctly on my last reply)

I have been able to edit that transaction even years later as I recently found some additional items that should have been entered -- but weren't.  I know the purist will say that you should just create an additional transaction for that date with the adjustments.  I am not a purist!  This works for me.

Yes, I am able to add new lines to the original transaction, change existing amounts, even delete a line that turned out to be a duplicate.

You can always edit a transaction.  This is a nice thing.  This is a bad thing.  This will help get you out of trouble.  This will get you into trouble.  Beware!  Your books are only as good as you make them.


Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
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